Page 31 of What Lies Within

"You want me to ask Marco anyway?” I pour another drink and then turn to face the kid. “See if he has a use for you?”

He frowns, his thumb rubbing back and forth across his bottom lip. "You'd do that?"

"Next best place I can think of for you to go," I shrug. “He may not be on good terms with his family, but he still sits under the protection they provide."

Connor nods, seeming to work the idea through his mind when the door opens with a soft knock.

"Hey." Rae steps in, Digger on her heels. His hand rests on her shoulder to encourage her forward. "You wanted to see me?"

I gesture for her to come in and then drain my cup. "Not me, babe. You two need to sort shit out for good, lay some ground rules goin' forward." I set the tumbler next to the half-empty bottle and then cross the room to where Rae hesitates, focusing on Connor, who sits with his head in his hands. "Be nice." I lean in and place a kiss on her temple. "We'll be just outside the door."

Digger frowns. "You sure this is a good idea?"

I grab him by the sleeve and drag him toward the door. "Nope, but it needs to happen." He reluctantly follows as I call out to Connor. "You've got five minutes. Make them count, and for fuck’s sake, don't try anything stupid. I don't feel like getting my hands bloody today."



The guys head out of the office, and the click of the door is the thing that gets Connor to lift his head. He smiles, but it's softer than the cocky grins he usually gifts, taking me by surprise. "Take a seat, Rae."

Rae. No term of endearment, no hard-hitting first line about how we're supposed to be together, and no explanation of what I miss by not being with him.

What the fuck did Tyke say?

"It's only five minutes; I'd rather stand."

He shrugs. "Suit yourself, then." His gaze drags the length of me as though searching for a sign of what I've been doing here,whoI've been doing. "So, you're Reaper property now, huh?"

"So I'm told."

"They not give you a say in it?" He leans forward, elbows to knees.

I soften a little at his concern. "They did."

"And you said yes?" One eye twitches.

"I did."

"Whose?" He grits the question through a tight jaw.

Do I tell him? When he's already agitated, it can't help matters, but then he's bound to hear it anyway. Why insult him by forcing the secret now? "Tyke."

His shoulders slowly shift back, gaze narrowing.

"And Digger."

He jerks from the seat, poised to lunge. "What the fuck? Both of them?"

I nod, taking a step back as I do. "Yeah."

"You fucking whore." The softness was fleeting, a dream. In its place is the Connor I know. The man his father crafted him to be.

Jealous. Cold. Possessive. And not in a good way.

"Is that all it took to keep you happy, huh?" He advances a step. "You would have stayed if I let my father fuck you too?"

"Jesus, Connor!" I place Tyke's desk between us. "Back it up.Youare the reason I left you. Nothing else, nothing more.Thisis the reason why." I wave my hand up and down at his state.