Tyke arrives at Connor's side, stopping close enough to make the shithead uncomfortable. "The issue of your bullshit tip-off," he grumbles. "Want to tell me why my daughter weren't there when we arrived?"
Connor has the decency to look genuinely surprised. “What do you mean she wasn’t there?”
"Exactly what he said, asshole." Digger takes a step forward, forcing Connor to move back or allow them to pressure him with their proximity. "Where is Maddie now, Connor?"
“Don’t fucking know,” he grits through a stiff jaw. “Any reason you fucks didn’t give me a heads up on this before you brought me here?” He lifts an eyebrow. I hate how dangerously fucking attractive he is, even after all the bullshit he’s put me through.
“Could have done some digging around before I’d got here,” he continues, “if you’d given me fair warning.”
“Could have come up with a plan to keep us two steps behind, you mean.” Tyke folds his arms again, feet wide.
I catch the flex of his fingers against his side and realize he did so to save laying hands on Connor.
My ex rolls his eyes and looks away to mutter, "You fuckers are unbelievable." He snaps his sharp gaze on me. "You think I'd put that much effort into fucking you all around? For what gain? Tell me," he demands, shifting focus to Digger. "What the hell do you think I have to gain by hiding Maddie and pissing you two off?”
Silence falls between the group.
Connor has a point.
“Did your dad take her as a trade for me?” I ask.
He wets his lips, then steels his jaw. “Look, Rae. I know things are heated between us now, but not everything is about you."
My heart thrashes in my chest, air sucked from my lungs.Ex-fucking-cuse me?"Pardon?" I drop a surprised laugh. "What the fuck?"
Digger rolls his neck to the side, nostrils flaring. “Watch your words, boy.”
Connor shrugs. “Your club has had shit with my old man for years. Long before she showed up. Ever occur to you this has got more to do with existing beef than her being witness to a murder?”
"Sounds like you know plenty more than you've let on so far, kid." Tyke cuffs Connor around the back of the neck. "How about you and I go have a chat about that?" He leans in and growls the last words in his ear. "In private."
Connor shrugs free of his hold, never breaking eye contact as he bites back, “I’d love to.”
“Then let’s get to it.” Digger nods toward the clubhouse. “Because I’ve about had enough of seeing your fucking face for one week, let alone a lifetime.”
"The feeling's mutual, killer," Connor mutters, allowing Tyke to coerce him into walking ahead of them. “But let's get one thing straight." He turns and walks backward, catching my eye as he does. “I won't leave here until I get my hour with Rae." He faces forward, throwing over his shoulder as he mounts the steps, "Alone."
Tyke shunts him forward, palming Connor's shoulder. "Carry on the way you are, and you’ll be lucky to leave here at all.”
"Why are you here, Connor?" I shut the door behind us before turning to face the guy. "Really?"
I’m no idiot. Rae messaged him again and summoned the fucked-up kid here on a promise that she'd cash in on the hour she owed him for giving us Maddie's location. He didn't know my daughter was already gone, so there was no motivation for him to drive his ass here other than the offer of her time.
Other than the sweet bliss found by basking in the afterglow of her attention.
Connor moves around the room, surveying the pictures on the wall. "She needs better than what you'll give her, Tyke.” His eyes are wild as he turns to gauge my reaction—the raw honesty of a man still in love.
In love with what's mine.Don't give a shit if he had her first. The moron didn't know how to keep Rae satisfied. How to make her happy. Fuck—I don't know for sure if I’m able to do either of those things, but I damn well know I'll try twice as hard as this idiot before I let her get away.
"I've already given her more than what you did." I shake my head and laugh at the asshole. "Probably took half the effort, too.That's the difference between boys and men: us older guys got the experience to fix the mistakes you young guns make."
He huffs a laugh, raising one eyebrow as he glances to the floor. “Mistake, huh?”