“And we give her that,” Digger argues. He hesitates, screwing his face up as he presses the heel of one hand to his temple. “But she’s also had people tellin’ her what to do her whole goddamn life, Tyke. It’s why she came to Red River—to escape. To start over. So, give her that respect.” He stands, taking a step towardme. “Our protection remains, but give the girl the choice to step out from under that umbrella if she wants.”
“She doesn’t stand a chance against them.”
He shrugs. “She made it this far. Perhaps this time, with us behind her, she’ll do better.”
"Fuck." He has merit in his goddamn words. A point I want to avoid admitting is right.
We can’t dictate her life forever. It’s exactly that—herlife. She must have some say in it.
Maddie’s her best friend. She’ll want to be involved in her recovery.
“Fine.” I clutch the property vest in my fist. “Lead the way.”
Digger nods and then heads for the stairs, bounding them two at a go. By the time I reach the landing, he's already outside her door, hand raised in a fist against the wood. He glances toward me and back as the door cracks open, Rae in the slim slip.
“Hey.” She pulls the door wider, noticing me as she does. “Do you have news?”
“Nah, baby girl,” Digger says softly.
“But we need to talk.” I arrive at his side.
She ducks her chin and steps back, welcoming us into the room.
"You left pretty quick," I note, surveying the space. Everything seems in order, with no signs of distress on her behalf. "I apologize if seein’ me like that scared you. I just…” What? Lost my composure? Acted like the agonized parent I am? A fucking human being?
“No.” She folds her arms over herself. “Honestly, it didn’t. I just…”
“What?” Digger stops before her, hand gentle against her cheek.
My palm itches as though it’s my touch that offers her that comfort.
“I felt frustrated,” she admits. “Ifeelfrustrated that I can’t do more. That what I did didn’t help.”
He turns and meets my eye as though to say,“See? Told you so.”
“It did, and you can.” Rae’s head jerks up at my words. “But first, take a seat.”
She looks to Digger for confirmation and then shifts to the edge of the bed. Hands between her knees, she watches us expectantly.
The weight of that settles heavily on my shoulders. "We had a discussion with the officers," I state, nodding toward Digger as I do. "Asked them the question."
Her gaze drops to the vest in my hand as though noticing it for the first time.
“They agreed.”
The silence is fucking torture.Say something.Jesus. She could yell at me, cry, or laugh. Just something to fucking give me guidance on how she feels about this.
“What’s got you quiet?” Digger asks, moving to sit at her side.
She accepts his hand, studying his rough fingers against her slender own. “I’m grateful. I really am, I just…” Rae expels a laden breath. “I don’t know how to be what you need. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m scared that I’ll fuck it up and, worse, embarrass you both.”
"Let you in on a secret—nobody knows what they're doin', baby girl." I move toward her, holding out the vest so she can see the patch. The words declaring her as ours. "It's not fully ready yet," I explain. "Sweetie will add the bottom rockers with our names as soon as she's got them stitched, but I wanted you to try it. See how it feels."
“I’m sure it’ll fit.” She rises off the bed and takes the vest from my hands.
“I meant in here,” I say, hand to my heart. “How does it feel inherewhen you wear it.”
Her gaze lifts to mine, and she parts her lips a fraction to peek her tongue out and wet them. "Okay." With a trembling hand, Rae swings the cut behind her and loops her arms. She pulls the sides straight and moves to stand before the mirror.