Page 131 of What Lies Within

Tyke grins and pats my ass. "You don't need me for the formalities. We'll wait here."

I squash the immediate disappointment at not sharing the moment with him and remind myself I'm a strong, independent woman. If he thinks I can do this alone, I can. Tyke believes in me, and I will, too.

“You okay?” Maddie calls from her spot parked behind Tyke.

I nod. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”

I've faced worse than this. I witnessed a murder, was taken hostage by the jealous property, got stalked by my ex, and was mentally abused by my family.

I can handle signing ownership papers.

The salesman watches me with thin apprehension as I dust my hands off on the ass of my jeans and draw a deep breath. “We can have it delivered if you prefer.”

“Nope.” I nod toward the sales floor. “Let’s do this.”

Twenty minutes later, I have ownership papers tucked inside my jacket and a shop assistant fixing the number plate on my bike. I'm so intently staring at the evidence of ownership that I don't hear Tyke approach until his firm hands on my hips startle me.

“Shit.” I slam a hand to my chest. “You scared me.”

"Keep gettin' lost in your head while you're out in public like that, and I may rethink lettin' you have this freedom."

He teases. I know he does. But there’s an undercurrent of concern attached to the weak threat. It’s been two months since Tyke took down Terry. Two months since his brother kidnapped Maddie and held her as a bargaining chip.

Two months isn't enough to assure him we're okay now. That he can stop searching the shadows and looking in every doorway. Tyke's a protector, through and through, and I would never take that away from him.

“Deep breaths, baby girl.” His arms slide around my waist, and he nuzzles against the top of my ear. “You’ll do fine.”

A bike rumbles into the yard, yet I pay it no mind, considering the shop mechanics have been taking customers' bikes out for test rides the whole time we've been here. I'm too freaking excited. Buzzing with the anticipation and the fear of my upcoming debut ride.

The young guy rises from his haunches and pockets the tool in his hand. “All set to go.”

“You need me to run you through where everything is?” The salesman asks me the question, yet he looks to Tyke for the answer.

Some places will never shake the inherent patriarchy, and a vehicle sales lot is one of those.

“No.” Tyke captures my chin, steering my focus away from the arrogant asshole. “She knows what she’s doin’.” He nods to my Harley Davidson Nightster, the aftermarket Vance and Hines shortshots exhaust and underslung mirrors already fitted, and in my choice of Black Denim. All black everything. Always. “Get your helmet on, baby girl. Your escort’s here.”

I frown at Tyke in confusion, then whip my head to the man approaching from the lot.

"Oh, my God!" Thighs clenched, I hold my fists before me and bop on the spot like a fucking fangirl. "You lied to me!"

Digger grins, running a gloved hand over his tousled hair as he approaches. “No lies, Rae. Just got my shit done quick so I could be here.”

His shit. The mess they're still cleaning with the Devil's Breed. His shit is important, which is why the significance of his gesture isn't lost on me. "Thank you." I melt when he takes my face in his gloved hands, pressing on my toes to kiss him.

The salesman looks between us, then back to Tyke, clearly trying to do the math. He schools his features, then hands me the key with a grin and says, "Start it up."

I pocket the key fob and push the starter button. The engine whirrs twice, then ignites with a growl, the new pipes amplifying the gorgeoussound.

“Like it?” Digger asks.

“I fucking love it.” Hands clasped before me, I do another little dance.

Tyke hands me my helmet as Maddie rounds the building, hands in the air. "Fuck yeah!" She dance-walks toward me, a grin splitting her face. "That's my girl!"

"That's whose girl?" Tyke teases, snagging me by the hip to bump me against him.

“Ours,” Digger growls, stealing me for himself.