Rae gasps. “Oh my God.” She covers her mouth, but I can tell she smiles behind it. “You two are unbelievable.”
“You picked us,” Digger teases.
“Should I be rethinking that?”
I spin her around so that her back faces me. "Where is your patch anyway?"
"In my room." She glances over her shoulder at me. “Do I need to always have it on, even when we're hanging out here?"
“Especiallywhen we’re hangin’ out here,” I growl. “It’s a badge of honor, baby girl. It’s like braggin’ rights for us to have the brothers see you in it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” I smack her rounded ass. “Just don’t do it again.”
Digger fights a grin. Fucker knew it’d rile me up and get her in the shit. Bastard wanted to see what I’d do.
Probably hoped the ‘punishment’ would end up in the bedroom, too.
“Anyways,” I state, rising to my feet. “There won’t be arguments.”
“You sure?” Rae frowns. “You might feel differently when the day comes.”
“It won’t.” I lick my lip, smiling a little at their confusion. “I had the fuckin’ snip years ago.”
“Hey?” Digger exclaims. “When?”
"After Harvey was born. Knew Charlene kept gettin' pregnant, thinking it would keep her safe as my old lady because what animal would kick out a woman carrying his child, right? So, I played the bitch and made sure nothing would happen when she supposedly forgot her pill again."
“That’s quite a permanent solution,” Rae muses.
I shrug. “Got two boys and a girl I’m fucking proud of. Didn’t feel like I needed any more.”
“Blanks, huh?” Digger nods. “Crafty.”
"Sensible." I clap him on the shoulder and usher Rae to my other side. "Now come on. Let's tell these fuckers they need a new president so we can get to movin’ on with our lives. Yeah?”
“Sure.” Digger turns and walks a few steps ahead as we go indoors.
A tug on my arm stalls me. Rae glances at Digger's retreating form as we stop. She turns her face up to mine, her brow peaked a little as she asks, "Are you sure you're okay?"
“You mean, do I feel messed up after killin’ a man?”
She nods, concern evident in the glimmer of her eyes.
“No, baby.” I smooth her hair behind one ear, then coast my thumb across her cheekbone. “I look at you, and I know it was worth it.”
“Tyke…” She captures my wrist, nuzzling her cheek against my palm.
“We all gotta endure a little pain to remind us why the good stuff is worth it, right?”
Her glassy eyes find mine, lips rolling as she searches for words. "We do."
I cup her face, guiding her close enough to capture her lips with mine. “Then come inside and help me make the rest of my days worth it.”