Page 127 of What Lies Within

She hesitantly grins, then rushes at me full of love and appreciation. I open my arms to receive her, shifting a foot back when Rae barrels into me, and wrap my woman in the tightest fucking hug I can muster without fearing I'll break her.

Her feet leave the ground, and I lift Rae until we’re eye-to-eye. “Miss me, then?”

“Oh, only a little.”

I kiss the damn smile off her face.

A throat clearing to my left breaks the spell.For fuck’s sake.

“What?” My question barks out a little sharper than intended.

Hammer recoils. “You want to call everyone together to run through this while it’s fresh?”

“Yeah.” I nod, still clutching Rae to my chest. “Gather ‘em up. I won’t be far behind.”

He lifts his chin, then turns heel to follow Rigs and Kane toward the clubhouse.

Maddie hesitates in the open doorway, one hand on the frame as she regards me from a distance.

I smile at her, and she returns it with an equally relieved one before reaching out to punch her brother in the arm.

Everyone disappears indoors, leaving just me, my woman, and the man who has equal rights to this conversation as either of us.

“Dig.” I set Rae on her feet yet keep her tucked at my side. “You wanna get your ass over here?”

He pushes off the picnic table and crosses the yard in long strides. “I don’t know if I should thump you one or shake your hand.” Digger huffs a laugh, stopping before us and shoving both hands in his pockets. “Glad to see you’re in one piece, brother.”

"Glad to be as well." I glance down at Rae, kiss her head, and then address Digger again. "I plan to resign when we step foot in that meeting room. Wanted you to know first so you're not blindsided by the news."

“Like I ain’t now.” He scoffs. “Shit. Really?”

“Are you sure?” Rae twists against my side, her gorgeous fucking tits crushed against my rib cage.

I have steam I need to blow off, and the sooner we get the formalities out of the way, the sooner I can do that. "Yeah. I'm sure."

“But the shit with the Devil’s Breed…” Digger sets both hands atop his head, eyebrows raised. “Why now?”

“Because I’ve had enough, brother.” I check behind me, then maneuver Rae and myself until I rest my ass on the bike, her tucked between my spread legs. “I took on the goddamn role thinking I could change this club for the better.”

"You have," he protests, falling silent when I raise my hand.

"The thing I didn't account for, Dig, is that no matter what I do within these walls, the world ain't changin'." I run a palm up and down the back of Rae's thigh in slow strokes while I talk. "I can wax philosophical all I like about keepin' moral boundaries. About makin' the Reapers a haven. But as long as there are greedy, power-hungry men out there willing to throw their goddamn mother under the bus for a sniff of infamy, then I'm fightin' a losing battle."

I pause and give Digger a moment to let the truth unfold in his mind.

Rae stands just as quiet before me, glancing down when she feels my focus on her and giving a soft smile. No words. Just the gentle rake of her fingers through my hair as she gives me what I need in the moment: reassurance.

"Who are you nominating?" Digger frowns, folding his arms across his chest as he widens his stance.


“Shit. You think he’ll take it?”

“I think he’ll enjoy seein’ the looks on the Breed’s faces when he fucks up their money-maker and sets them girls free.”

“True that.”

I slide my hand to Rae’s ass and tug her closer. “You gonna tell me what’s on your mind there, beautiful? Or you gonna leave me hangin’ in suspense a little longer.”