Harvey sighs, dropping onto the seat next to her.
"Like," Digger says. "Imagine they're covert on the property. Maybe Terry doesn't know they're there yet. And then we send in reinforcements, or the like, andblam.” He claps his hands. “Cover blown.”
“So, we don’t do anything obvious.”
“Babe.” He frowns. “Everything is obvious.”
My chest expands, life in my lungs at the sudden thought. “No, it’s not.” A slow grin spreads across my lips. “I know at least one person who could help without raising the alarm.”
Digger's face falls, eyes heavy-lidded as he snaps, "No."
“Yes.” I scoot forward, energized. “He can be our eyes and earsinsidethe place.”
“Still no.”
“What are you talking about?” Jamie asks.
“Connor.” I ignore Digger’s scathing glare and turn to face her. “He’ll help me. I know he will.”
“For a price,” Digger mutters.
“You’re not seriously worried about that, are you?” I spin back to him.
“Youwere going off at us not so long ago about being used when we brought him in to find Maddie. What's changed?"
I bite my lip.Fuck.He’s right. What has changed?Oh, you know—I’m not as much of a hormonal wreck as I was.Not that I can explain that without it sounding lame.Shit.
“You want my old man dead or alive?” Harvey asks. “Because that’s what it comes down to, doesn’t it?”
I stare at Digger, widening my eyes a little.Please.He has to understand this isn't about my pride or who's right or wrong. It's to help his brother, their president.
Myold man.Fuck. I've never thought of him like that, but doesn't the cut I have hanging in my room say as much?
“Let me help him,” I say quietly. “Please.”
Digger sighs, nose wrinkling. “I don’t like how Connor affects you, Rae. I hate how he leaves you a little less alive every time you see him.”
"I know." I hate it, too. "But this is the best starting point for figuring out what we can do before it's too late." I glance over his shoulder as Maddie enters the room. "Time's ticking."
“I get that.” He exhales heavily, sliding down the sofa to slouch against the back. “Fine. Get in touch with him, then.”
“Who?” Maddie asks, pausing before the fire.
"Connor." I swallow and study her reaction.
She frowns a little. A silent question passed between us.“Are you sure?”I nod in response, and she echoes the movement. “Try him,” she says. “Fuck knows, Deo won’t answer my messages and tell me what’s going on.”
I rise to my feet, charged and ready to sprint upstairs to get my phone, yet Digger’s avoidant stare halts my travels. Hand out, I wait, heart in my throat.
He glances up at me, runs a tattooed hand through that beautiful mess of hair, and sighs. Warm palm against mine, he takes my offered hand and gets to his feet.
“I’ll let you all know what I find out,” I call to the group as I coax Digger away with me. “Holler if you hear anything as well.”
We're met with a chorus of "Yep" and "Sure," but the only thing that matters is the broad man at my back and the possibility I can help before me.
These men, this club—they’ve all done so much for me.
It matters that I can return the favor.