Page 103 of What Lies Within

“Ain’t nobody beggin’ here,” Digger snarls, taking a step closer.

A heavy at the man’s back steps between them.

Marco sighs. "Let's be truthful, Gianni." He cocks an eyebrow. "You have an interest."

Giannigrins, then shakes out a gravelly laugh. “Still a ballbreaker, I see.”

“You cut me out, sure, but I’m not blind,” Marco retorts, jaw hard. “I keep up with business.”

“What interest?” Tyke asks Gianni, tugging me closer as he says so to shift his arm around my shoulders.

I lean into his side and watch Gianni's eyes dart over the three men around him before he answers. "Tom was our inside man. Let's say we've lost a significant advantage with him gone."

“He was your mole in the fuckin’ governor’s office?” Digger scoffs. “You tellin’ me you only got the one?”

Gianni levels him with a cool glare. “The other was shot in the head, twice, in front of her children last May.” He delivers the fact as though it should be common knowledge. “Do believe that had something to do with the likes of you assholes.”

“Careful.” Tyke snorts. “Tarring us all with the same brush ain’t gonna do you no favors.”

“Like I said,” Gianni snaps. “It’s me doing you fucks the favor." He shifts his beady eyes to me, and I tuck harder against Tyke. "You must be pretty damn special, sweetheart. Makes me curious what else you give them for these men to be so… generous."

I’m ushered behind Tyke as he sets himself between the threat and me. “Not on the table.”

"Not yet." Gianni chugs away on the fucking cigarillo. "But she could be." His obnoxious cloud smacks Tyke square in the face. "Give me twenty-four hours, and it's done." He beckons Marco with a crooked finger. "You and I still need to have words about the details, but I think we're finished here."

Gianni’s security detail opens the car door, waiting while the man smashes what’s left of his smoke over the ground before getting inside. Their car starts shortly after, crawling out of the yard and turning left at the gate.

Tyke expels a heavy breath, one hand scrubbing his face, eyes tightly shut.

I glance at Digger and find him eyeballing Marco, who stands with arms folded, staring at the space where the car's taillights once were.

“You sure about this?” Marco utters.

Tyke sighs, gaze shifting to mine as he says, “Ask me again in a week.”

"Is anyone going to tell me what happened here?" I hug myself to ward off the chill, yet it does nothing to keep the ice out of my veins.

The club made a deal—that much is clear—but I want to know what for.

Why they needed to trot me out like a prize mare.

“All you got to know, baby girl, is that after tomorrow, Terry won’t be a problem no more.” Tyke drops his arms to his sides and sighs.

I search the faces of all three men, yet Digger is the only one brave enough to look my way as I ask, "What was the payoff?"

Marco ducks his chin, toeing the ground.

Digger looks to his goddamn brother.


“Some people don’t get the luxury of choosing their devils, Rae.” He sets both hands atop his head. “Today, we did. That’s all that matters.”



“What the hell just happened here?” Rae dances at my side to keep up with my long strides as I head for the clubhouse. “What did he agree to?”