Maybe I have. But this is the most right I’ve felt about something in a long time.
It struck me, as I sat at the table eating, that once again I’m going through the motions of life, doing what I’m told. Sit here, Rey. Do this, Rey. Say that, Rey.
Kitty wants me to fight for myself, well then welcome to the revolution, motherfuckers.
Ain’t nobody going to cut me out of this box I’ve stuck myself in. Nope. I made that box so damn pretty that everyone around me rushes in to smooth the edges and tape it up whenever I try to break free.
Not anymore. Fuck what they think. Fuck what I think. The only person who knows what the hell they’re talking about, the only person whose advice I crave, who is ready and willing to give me a high five when I finally fucking get it right, hung up on me not even a full hour ago.
And if I’ve got anything to do with it, then she won’t be able to hang up on me again.
“See you next week,” I toss Toby’s way as I push my chair in and turn to Cassie. “I’ll ring you later, sis.”
“What do you mean next week?” Toby frowns.
“I mean I’ve got a fucking plane to catch.” I toss a hand high in the air as I march out of the Mad Hatter’s tea party. “Sayonara, fuckers.”