“I’m going to call my parents.” It’s only just dawned on me that I’ve been so caught up in everything going on, I forgot to ring Mum back.
“Good idea. See what else they can tell you, but I don’t think you need to mention the fact he threatened to come back for Briar, okay?”
I sigh out of exasperation as I turn in his hold to face him. “I’m not that stupid. I tell them that, and they’d be on the first flight back here to try and sort it out themselves.”
He reaches out, running his fingers under my chin. “I never said you were stupid.”
“Good.” I push up on my toes and place a quick kiss to his lips. “Because then I’d have to reassess this whole sharing a bed deal.”
He chuckles, giving me a smack on the arse as he steps away. “You wouldn’t stand a chance; I’m pretty convincing when I want to be.”
Yes, yes he is.
“You hungry, Briar?” Evan calls over my shoulder.
“I’ll make us lunch,” he says to me. “You go make that call.”
I leave him to it, my very own domestic god, and make my way through to my room for some privacy. Shutting the door gently, I scroll through to Mum’s number and hit Dial. She picks up as I’m getting comfy on my bed.
“You know, Amelia, I try to be patient, but—”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
She sighs heavily down the line. “So, what’s going on then?”
“Tristan showed up at my apartment night before last, vandalised my car.”
I catch her sharp intake of breath. “Did you talk to him?”
“Not that time.”
“That time?”
I fidget with the bedspread under my legs. “He came back last night.”
“And?” she cries high and squeaky.
“I asked him to leave, in not so many words. Everyone’s okay. Evan was here.”
She sighs. “Thank heavens for that. Did Briar see him?”
“No. It was late, so he was in bed.” I hesitate, trying to think of a way to ask the obvious without being so direct. “Can you tell me everything, Mum? What happened after I left?”
“Nothing good, darling.”
“I get that,” I say a little too sharply. “But I need to know. Now that he’s back, harassing me, I need to be prepared.”
“What does he want?”
“To see Briar.”
Dad’s voice filters through from the background. “Is it okay if I put you on speaker, honey?”
In retrospect, I probably should have FaceTimed them. Tough topics such as these are always easier dealt with face-to-face.