“Aunty?” Briar’s concerned voice drifts from his bedroom doorway.
I wipe my nose with the back of my hand, dragging a staggered breath in to try and compose myself as I climb off Evan’s lap.
“Did I wake you, buddy?”
“Are you okay?”
I exchange a glance with Evan, and then cross to where Briar stands watching me. “I’m a little upset, but I’ll be okay.”
He reaches out, and I scoop him into my arms, relishing his warmth as he wraps his embrace around my neck.
“Love you, Aunty.”
“I love you too, Briar. And I promise, I’ll be okay.”
He sighs, resting his cheek against his arm.
“I’ll tuck you back in, huh?”
He snuggles me right up until his back hits the mattress, reluctantly letting go. I pull his blanket up, and he regards me with wide eyes, reaching up to stroke a stray tear off my cheek with his finger.
“I miss her too,” he whispers.
“I think wherever she is, she’ll be missing you as well, buddy.” I lean over and place a kiss to his temple, flaring my nostrils to stave off more tears.
“Can Evan tuck me in too?”
I nod, emotionally destroyed by how touching that request is. “Okay. I’ll go get him.”
My chest hurts, my eyes raw as I head back through to the living room to find Evan hunched over on the sofa, his head in his hands.
“Briar would like you to tuck him in as well.”
My heart aches to see the man I care for so conflicted, but what makes me feel worse is knowing I turned the mood on its head like this. He played me a beautiful love song, and good old me decided to reward him with an emotional breakdown.
Winning, Mimi.
Evan looks up at my statement, and nods. “Sure thing.” He stands, leaning in to give me a quick kiss as he passes me by. “Back soon, babe.”
He disappears into Briar’s room, and I collapse into the armchair, biting my lip to save from making any noise as my tears return.
I’ve been strong up until now, but I guess when you bottle your emotions for so long, there’s only so much you can hold off on before the top spills over.
Taking the seat cushion in hand, I focus on clenching and unclenching my fists into it, bringing myself back into the now and placing my wayward emotions in check. That man in there, the amazing guy tucking my nephew in without a second’s hesitation, deserves so much more than this. He deserves the best of me, my full focus.
He deserves the compassion he shows me back at him tenfold.
“All sorted,” Evan says as he crosses back to where I sit. “Should I tuck you in too?”
I chuckle, so in love with the fact he can always make me laugh.
“Yeah, okay.”
“I might even come up with a bedtime story for you if you’re a good girl.” He offers his hand, a playful smirk curling those beautifully full lips up.
I take hold, immediately feeling better now that he’s close again. “What if I want to be a bad girl?” I tease, trying to ignore the fact I’m probably a snotty, puffy mess.
“Well then,” he says, raising one eyebrow. “That’s something else entirely.”