“Not really. He was just… well, power hungry, ambitious, political. You know the type.”
“I do. I’m surprised you went for someone like that.” He cocked his head to the side, so close she could almost feel his breath on her cheek.
“It was… expected,” she murmured. “I didn’t really have much say.”
“You always have a say,” he retorted.
“I know that now. That’s why I left, because nobody would listen to me.”
He snaked an arm around her waist and drew her to him. “Well, I for one am very glad that you did run out on him, and that you ended up here.”
She smiled, unable to help herself, despite the effect his proximity was having on her quivering insides. “So am I.”
Before she could think another thought, he bent his head, and his lips crushed down on hers. Hard, rough, with just the fight amount of pressure to make her splay her hands over his chest for support.
His rock-solid chest.
Oh, help, she thought, powerless to do anything but acquiesce as his mouth forced hers open and his tongue delved inside. Lexi went weak at the knees, and clung to him, her head spinning. What was she doing?
This was Hawk Anderson, for goodness sake. The sanctuary benefactor, the man who’d waltzed in here, taken over, saved her life during the raid, and would leave once his work here was done—if not before.
And she was kissing him.
She pushed against his chest until he let her go. “What is it?”
“Hawk, we shouldn’t be doing this.”
He frowned, his gaze still smoldering. “Why not?”
“You know why not. It doesn’t make any sense. You’re leaving soon, and I’m staying here. Besides, Robert would kill me if he found out. You’re the park’s benefactor. We’re all supposed to be nice to you.”
“I think we’re beyond nice, don’t you?” His gaze was teasing.
“I’m serious. We need you to sponsor the renovations, to support our work here. You’ve seen how important it is. I can’t risk all that.”
“How are you risking that by kissing me?”
She bit her tongue. “I just don’t want any bad feelings between us.”
“There won’t be. Not from my side, anyway.”
She sighed, and moved further away, putting some space between them. “I’m sorry, Hawk. I think it’s best if we remain friends.”
He gave a reluctant nod. “Okay, if that’s what you want.”
Her voice was firm. “It is.”
“In that case, I’m going to go and work on these plans. Once I’ve got something concrete, we can go over them together.” He raised an eyebrow. “That okay with you?”
“Of course.”
His gaze lingered, still burning with a heat that turned her insides to mush. “See you later, then.”
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
The restof the day passed in a blur of cleaning and repairs. With Patrick and the others helping, they managed to get the clinic fully functional, but by the time evening fell, Lexi was exhausted.
Hawk had said he’d stop by and fix her bed, but he didn’t. She told herself it didn’t matter—he was probably still working on his plans—but she couldn’t deny a small flicker of disappointment.