Page 13 of Heat Force

Lexi frowned. “I don’t know. The orphans are still recovering. Too much noise could stress them out.”

“The public would love them,” Jasper insisted. “They’re the heart of this place. It’s exactly the kind of human-interest story we need to show people why this sanctuary is so important.”

She hesitated. He wasn’t wrong, and the sanctuary did need the publicity. The more people who knew about the plight of the endangered gorillas, the better. “Maybe we should clear it with Robert first.”

“We can get him down here too,” said Jasper, warming to his subject. “He can say a few words about the work the clinic does, but we’ll interview him outside, with the jungle as the backdrop.”

“I’m sure Lexi knows more about the running of the clinic than Robert,” Hawk cut in, handing Mto back to her with surprising care. “And she’d look a whole lot better on camera.”

Something about the way he said that made her stomach flutter. “Oh no,” she insisted ignoring the back-handed compliment. “I’m more than happy for Robert to do the talking. He’s more proficient than me.”

“We’ll see,” Hawk said vaguely, but there was a twinkle in his eye.

“We can shoot you doing your morning rounds,” added Jasper. “You’re the resident veterinarian. The clinic revolves around you. It will also show the level of expertise they have here at the sanctuary.” What would Jasper say if he knew this was her first real veterinarian job?

“I’ll clear it with Robert,” Hawk said. “I’m meeting him for lunch at the Lodge.”

Lexi nodded, showing them out. She watched Hawk disappear down the path, his easy stride radiating confidence.

“See you tomorrow,” he called over his shoulder, his voice carrying easily on the humid air.

“Yep,” she replied, her stomach knotting with unease.

It wasn’t just the film shoot that had her on edge. Hawk, despite his cool exterior, was beginning to show a different side to his character that she hadn’t expected. Gentle, calm, competent. It was disturbing. She didn’t want to warm to him in any way, because if she did, she was very afraid she might just start to like him.


Hawk had seen a lot of sunrises, but there was something different about this one. The early rays cut through the dense trees, casting long streaks of gold over the dirt path as he made his way to the clinic. The film crew had gone ahead to set up.

The jungle was alive with sound—birds, insects, the faint rustle of leaves in the humid breeze—it was so different to the traffic and chaos of New York.

When he arrived, the clinic was buzzing with activity, a stark contrast to the quiet building he’d toured yesterday. Cameras, sound equipment, and wires were everywhere. Rex, the director, was barking orders like a drill sergeant while his crew scurried around, setting up. Through the open window, Hawk caught a glimpse of Lexi pacing the floor, her brow furrowed. She looked... anxious.

“How’s she doing?” he asked Rex.

“She’s pretty uptight. We need her to relax and act natural,” Rex muttered, raking a hand through his disheveled hair.

Hawk nodded. “Leave it with me.” Being on camera was daunting if you hadn’t done it before.

He stepped into the clinic, moving quietly enough that she didn’t notice him right away. She’d stopped pacing and was digging through a small makeup bag, her movements stiff and awkward like she was gearing up for battle. Her hair was up in an efficient ponytail again, but tendrils had escaped and floated around her face, softening her, making her look more vulnerable. More approachable.

She glanced up, startled, as he crossed the room.

“How are you holding up?” he asked. “You look a little pale.”

She frowned at the nickname but was too jittery to dwell on it. “I shouldn’t be, with all this makeup on.”

“You’ll be fine.” He took a step closer. “Just pretend we’re not here. Do what you’d normally do.”

“Easier said than done.” She twisted the hem of her surgical coat nervously.

He reached out and took her hands in his. They were small and feminine compared to his large ones, with tapered fingers tipped by neatly trimmed nails. Her eyes flicked up to meet his, but she didn’t pull away. “You’ll be fine.”

“I’m so nervous.” She bit her lip, drawing his eyes. Full, luscious lips. He forced his gaze back to her face.

“Relax. This is no different to any other day at work.” She gave a stiff nod. “You look great, by the way.”

Her expression softened. “Thanks.”