Page 92 of Petite Fleur

The rest of the world doesn’t matter.

In my head, she wants this. Why else would she agree to run? Why else would she agree to my terms that I will be doing anything I choose when I catch her?

She’s just as fucked up as I am, and I’m going to prove that when I finally end this little game and capture my girl yet again.

Chapter 36

Maeve Henderson

I can’t keep doing this.

Why did I agree to his little game?

I’m sweating, my ankles hurt, and I think I’m going to throw up.

It’s way too hot out here, and I’m lost.

Did I already pass that tree? Wait, am I going in circles?

“Oh, ma fleur, I thought you’d have made it off the property by now. This is sad, truly.” I hear Leon shout from an uncomfortably close distance.


Again, this was clearly a bad idea.

I run past the same tree for what has to be the third time, panting as I do so. My feet feel like they can’t move me fast enough, yet somehow, he still seems to be getting closer and closer the quicker I move.

How does he do that?

And why did I tell myself that I’d be able to outrun him because of his leg?

Clearly, this was a mistake.

I jump over a large branch, smiling when I finally see the end of the tree line, and pray that it’s the edge of his property and not that I’ve somehow circled around and am about to reach his house again.

I can’t keep running in the same circles, but it’s so dark out here, and the moon is hidden from all of the trees.

How can he even see out here?

It’s not fair!

I want a redo!

When I’m finally out of the trees and into a large field, I smile victoriously; I’m finally off of his property and headed the right way! Now, all I need to do is find the road, and I’m golden.

“Oh, ma petite fleur, you’ve got to do better than that. Next time, I’ll have to give you a bigger head start.” I hear from the distance.

I start running as hard and as fast as I can, panting and sweating just to gain some kind of lead on Leon, but I know it’s pointless. I can’t keep this up, and it’s become painfully evident that I’m going to lose our little game.

I turn my head, seeing him catching up to me as he runs so gracefully that it pisses me off.

I try to quicken my pace. I turn my head forward again and force my legs to carry me further and faster, but it’s useless. When I jump over a large broken branch, my feet don’t make it to the ground, but my body does.

Leon tackles me, and I hit the grass so roughly that all of the air is sucked out of my lungs.

I scream out in surprise, but I don’t get the chance to react in any other way as he stands up and grabs onto my ankle with a firm and unbreakable grip.

He starts to drag me out of the field and back into the darkness of the woods.