I eventually fall asleep for a little while, feeling Leon’s arms around me and his cock inside of me. It feels right, but I don’t think I can ever admit that to him.
When I wake up again, it’s to the feeling of Leon getting hard inside of me again.
I clench my jaw tightly, preparing myself for the pain of him forcing himself onto me again, but he pulls out of me instead.
He moves my hair aside and kisses the side of my neck a few times, forcing me not to react in any way.
I can’t react to this man; I can’t give him the satisfaction of reacting to him.
I feel like if I do, I’m giving up even more than he’s already taken from me, and he’s taken enough.
I’m already wearing a freaking shock collar like a dog, he stole my virginity in his yard, and I’m being forced to quit college.
He’s not also getting my submission or approval. He’ll have to beg for that.
As soon as Leon leaves the room, leaving the door partially cracked, I jump up and rush to the bathroom.
I’ve always heard that it’s best to pee after sex, and with any luck, his cum will rush out of me.
I’m sure after two hours of it stewing inside of me, it’s done what it’s needed to do, but it’s worth a shot, right?
I mean, it has to! I’m not ready for a baby!
I feel like I’m still a baby!
I don’t know how to file taxes, I can’t afford to feed or take care of myself, and I don’t even own a car.
I feel like those are the very basic first steps I need to be considered an adult and be ready to have a baby of my own.
I’m left alone with my thoughts and my worries for over an hour before Leon comes back in. He’s dressed again, wearing a pair of pajamas that look like they cost more than my entire wardrobe, and he’s limping again.
He stops in the doorway and stares at me from my place on the little pillow in the windowsill, staring at me until I finally look up and acknowledge him. “I need you to eat.” He states flatly.
I try to ignore him, looking back to my book, but he gives me a rough sigh that makes a shiver run up my spine.
“It’s not optional.” He adds.
I can’t.
I’m too scared to eat here, but I can’t tell him that.
He doesn’t deserve my vulnerability.
“Not hungry.” I lie, but I don’t look at him. I can’t without my lie falling apart like a napkin in the rain.
Leon sighs before moving further into the room and taking a seat on the edge of the bed, but I continue to stare at my book and hope that he doesn’t keep pushing me.
“It’s not optional. You’re either going to eat, or I’m going to sedate you, and you’ll wake up with a tube feed in.” He says sternly.
I pick my head up, both glaring at him and in utter shock at what he just threatened.
Is this man insane?
Before I can respond, he reaches and takes my hand into his, refusing to let me pull away. “I know about your diet. Can you just trust me a little bit?” He asks much more calmly.
“Have you been watching me?” I ask.