Page 42 of Petite Fleur

Sean looks away from my plate, grinning at me with rice between his teeth and bloodshot eyes. “We went to a rodeo bar!” He announces proudly.

“You shoulda come!” Carlie practically yells.

I mean, I would've said no, but I wonder if they realized they didn't invite me to begin with, so how would I have gone with them?

“Maybe next time.” I lie.

It costs too much to go out and party, plus I can't even drink anyway, so how much fun would I really be?

The two continue digging into my plate like the last supper, shoveling fistfuls of rice straight into their mouths while I'm standing here like a fool, wondering how long it'll be before they're both passed out and I can try making another meal.

I know if I try now, they'll be like hungry toddlers and insist on eating that meal, too.

“You should! We went bull riding!" Sean brags.

Bull riding...

Like Shelby wanted me to go to.

I wonder if she went?

I guess that would explain her not texting me back. "Sounds fun." I lie.

It doesn't.

It sounds terrifying. I'd fall off the bull and break a leg, or the entire place would be dirty, and I'd end up getting sick from dirty glasses or something, but they seem to have enjoyed themselves, so that's what really matters.

Sometimes, I wish I could afford the college experience these two seem to get.

It sounds fun to party or go out to dinner without worrying about the price.

It sounds nice to go to the grocery store and not have to worry if you can afford to eat for the month.

Hopefully, after next year, I can be that girl.

I can be the girl who picks up takeout because I just don't feel like cooking or the girl who goes to the bar after work just because.

My fantasy is interrupted by Carlie drunkenly hiccuping and almost choking on my dinner. "It was! Until I was so close to taking this guy home, super cute! But Shelby snatched him from me. Hoe." Carlie slurs with a laugh.

That stings a little.

She left my bed and immediately went and picked up a guy.

That kinda sucks.

I guess I read a little too much into today…

Whatever, just get upstairs without letting either one of them see that their little confession just crushed me.

Just get upstairs before they realize that I've finally come to the realization that I will never be picked first.

I'll always be the afterthought…

Chapter 14

Leon Aldon

So, ma petite fleur has been getting bullied in class.