Page 153 of Petite Fleur

Are we even a couple?

Well, I guess that question answered itself now.

It still doesn’t mean that I’m completely happy or ready for any of this.

When I'm out of the shower and combing through my wet hair, Leon comes up behind me and starts rubbing his hand down my spine. “Tell me how you're feeling.” He insists.

I sigh, turning around until my back is to the sink, and I’m facing Leon. “I wanted to finish school; I wanted to know what it felt like to afford to pay for things. I wanted to live like a normal college kid. It just feels like all of it was taken from me. It feels like you took everything from me.” I confide in him.

He nods and pulls me into him, hugging me against his body. “You’re still going to have everything you want. It will just look a little different now, but I'll make sure you're happy.” He promises.

I nod into his chest, fighting off a yawn while I do so. I know if he sees me yawn, he'll try to convince me to do this tomorrow, but I need this done.

“Are you ready to go?” Leon asks. I nod again, letting him break out of our embrace so I can follow him out of the bathroom.

On the way to my old apartment, Leon explains to me that I can do the talking, that he will be my backup and not let anything happen to me.

He makes me promise him that I will listen to him and that I won’t go off on my own, but I can’t make any solid promises without knowing how Sean and Carlie will react to me.

I know that sounds crazy, but I haven’t seen anyone from my old life since they all treated me like trash on my own birthday.

Part of me wants to go crazy on them; there's a nagging part of my brain that is whispering terrible things I could and should do the moment I see them.

The other part wants to rub it in that I’m doing better than they are.

I’m sure Sean and Carlie are still wasting their lives away by drinking and partying, and they still spend their days with hookups that will never care about them or even remember their names the next day.

Looking back at how they live and how I used to live, it’s sad.

I think I prefer the life I have now, the life where Leon comes home and always looks so happy to see me, the life where he and I make meals together in the evenings, and he makes good on his promise to have sex with me until I fall asleep.

He always says he’s “fucking me to sleep,” he’s not wrong.

Some nights, I'm so overwhelmed and blissed out that I don't even realize we went from sex to cuddling for several minutes.

I’d rather live my life than theirs.

I’m startled when Leon puts his hand on my shoulder, but it finally makes me look up and realize that we’re sitting in the small parking lot of my old apartment complex and my old life.

It feels weird being here again.

It may have only been a couple of months ago, but this place doesn’t feel like me anymore. That life doesn’t feel like it’s mine.

“You can stay out here, ma fleur, maybe take a little nap in the back seat?” Leon says calmly.

I shake my head and jump out of the car. I have to make myself while I still have the nerve and the energy to do so.

Maybe I should have waited until tomorrow, but I won’t admit that to him.

My eyes are fighting to stay open, but I know I need to focus.

Leon rushes out of the car and joins me at my side a moment later, putting his hand on my lower back while we walk.

“No, I have to do this. I have to know if Carlie is a part of this or if she's innocent like I was. I have to know if he's ever tried to hurt her.” I state.

I need answers.

When Leon and I reach the door, I'm surprised that he has a key and is able to walk right in.