The only thing missing is some salvia farinacea planted at the mailbox. It’s a beautiful blueish-purple flower that grows to be several feet tall. He has a few at the edge of the house, and I think I'll move them; hopefully, he won’t mind.
I just think they'll look nice at the mailbox, and they attract butterflies. How beautiful is that?
I successfully replanted the flowers at the mailbox, and I'm just working on moving a few things around so there isn't a gap in their absence, but I see a stray dog, it's not a stray. It's wellgroomed, wearing a collar, and doesn't look hungry, but the poor baby is limping.
I call it over to me, hoping to help it, but it starts to limp away.
The poor baby is crying as it's trying to walk on its hurt paw. I can't just leave it like that. "Wait!" I call out, making kissing noises at this dog so it will come to me. I want to help it, not hurt it. Maybe keep it safe until Leon comes back and can call the number on the collar.
This poor dog keeps limping away, a pained squeal coming from every step. It's breaking my darn heart. I can't just let it get away. I stand up, brush the dirt off my knees, and take off after the dog.
Luckily, it's not running too fast since I am not a runner by any standards.
It doesn't take much, but I do have to wind myself to catch up to this beautiful dog.
I end up running so far that when I look around, I have no idea where I am. I see a house not too far away from me.
How far did I run?
Wait… why didn't the fence go off?
Why aren't I on the ground, screaming in pain?
This feels like a trap, but I caught the dog, and that’s what I care about. I lift it up in my arms as I walk back to Leon's house. "I'm sorry, baby. I know. I'll help you. Leon will help you." I promise this poor baby as we walk back to Leon's house together.
It takes me much longer to walk back to the house than it did to run after the dog. Adrenaline, I guess, but we made it back without me passing out on the way.
This is awful; maybe I should get a gym membership…
Oh, wait, I can’t.
I sit this poor puppy on the grass and in the shade while I take the lid off of the watering can, letting it get a drink of cool water.
I sit and stroke its fur while it drinks, hoping it’ll cool down and be content waiting with me for Leon.
I hope he gets back soon so he can help this poor baby. It won't let me see its paw, every time I try, it growls at me. I know it's not the dog's fault; it's scared and hurt, but I just want to help.
I hate that I don't even know what to feed it, and I'm worried if I go inside to get it some food, it will run, but I'm also scared to take it inside.
What if Leon gets mad?
It's his house, and I assume if he wanted a dog, he would have one.
I don't want to anger him when we've actually been getting along so well. I've been here for a month, and I'm actually starting to feel like I belong here. The last thing I need to do is make him mad, and I end up homeless or dead.
So I’m stuck sitting out here and trying to entertain this dog, praying he won’t run away.
Leon doesn't get back for hours. By then, the sun is starting to set, and I'm exhausted.
I'm dizzy, I have a headache, and I'm hungry, but he smiles when he sees me, even raises an eyebrow in confusion as to why there's a dog with its head across my lap. "I missed you, ma fleur. How was your day?" He asks me.
He leans down, kissing my lips as I stare up at him. "Fine." I answer shortly. Mostly because I'm freaking exhausted. I've been out in this heat since lunch, too scared to go inside for more water or to eat.
I'm scared this dog is going to run and end up hurting itself.
Leon squats down to my level, running his knuckles along my cheek before putting the back of his hand on my forehead. "You're burning up, ma fleur. Have you been out here all day?" He asks me.
I can tell just by his face how concerned he looks. Do I look that rough?