“Thanks.” She says sweetly.
I feel like a fucking fool that all I’m doing is staring down at this beautiful woman with a goofy smile on my face, but I can’t help it, she’s so beautiful like this.
She’s wearing her pajamas, a short pair of silky shorts and a loose t-shirt that I’m pretty sure is one of mine, and her gorgeous golden brown hair is in a mess of a pile on top of her head and secured with one of those giant claw clips.
I love the sight of her just being herself.
“Do you need anything else?” I ask while I start to knead her shoulders in hopes of loosening up any tension she’s carrying from the stress of finals.
She cranes her neck to look up at me and smiles while shaking her head. “I’m okay, thank you.” She promises.
I know it’s probably hard for her to thank me when she thinks I’ve stolen her life from her, so it doesn't go unnoticed that she is. “Anything for you, ma petite fleur.” I promise.
I lean down to kiss the top of her head and see the professor walk back into the camera view as I’m doing so. “Sorry, I was just leaving.” I reassure the professor.
She makes a face at my presence, but quickly smiles. “Dr. Aldon?” She asks.
I quirk an eyebrow at this woman on screen, but smile kindly.
I guess I should have gotten used to being recognized after that “Hottest 35 under 35 of Texas” article came out, but it’s still weird to me whenever it happens.
“Yes, I apologize for the interruption, I was just making sure my fiance was alright.” I explain to this woman.
She drops her smile just a tad and gives a short and expressionless nod. I don’t know what she was expecting or hoping for, that I’d say Maeve was one of my patients? That sheis mentally unstable and I’m babysitting her therefore I’d love to take this bitch on a date?
Not happening.
“Ah, I see.” She says shortly. “I’m Professor Mound, I teach psychology and it is an honor to meet you, I’ve heard fantastic things about your practice.” She says kindly.
I give her a charming smile, but I refuse to take my hands off Maeve to prove a point to this woman. “Why, thank you. I’m just doing my best to help as many people as I can.” I say kindly.
When I look at the timer, I see that they only have about 30 seconds left of their break. “I’ll leave you to it.” I say as I lean down and kiss my girl on the temple and take a seat in my chair across from the couch in my study.
I work on my usual stuff while Maeve does her exams and I take every break she gets as an opportunity to check on her, but by her fourth break, my girl puts her hand on top of mine and smiles up at me. “How about you take the couch and take your leg off?” She offers.
Not happening.
I sat Maeve on the couch so she could be comfortable and focus on her exams, I’m not moving her. “I’m okay, ma fleur. I want you to be comfortable, you still have five exams left today.” I remind her, but she simply shrugs, grabs my laptop off her lap, and moves to the chair I had been sitting in.
My girl may be selfless, but I will argue with her during her next break. I need her comfortable so she can pass. I can’t let her fail and feel like it was in any way my fault.
“Where’s that boyfriend of yours, Ms. Henderson? Did he tire of catering to you? He has a real job, you know? He actually contributes to the world.” The professor snaps when she comes back on screen.
Her tone is nowhere near as friendly as it had been earlier, she must not know that I’m within earshot.
I stand up from the couch to confront the professor, but Maeve snaps back before I get the chance to. “Oh, he’s busy between my legs right now, stress relief, you know?” She says with a charming little laugh. “Did you need him for something?” She asks sarcastically.
Fuck that’s hot.
Not only is my girl sticking up for herself, but she’s willing to let this professor know that we’re intimate.
The professor almost gasps in surprise at my girl’s outburst, but I’m so fucking proud. “Excuse me?” She asks with a venomous tone.
My girl smiles back at her, but it isn’t her usual smile. No, she’s proud that she stumped this woman. I’m just glad that she has no say in the grading process.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I say too much? He was just busy catering to me when he’s not at his real job contributing to the world.” She sasses.
I am so in love with this girl.