Page 58 of Petite Fleur

Shelby shoves me roughly, almost sending me on my butt, but I feel someone catch me and keep me upright.

I feel their hands on my waist and my back against their chest, but I ignore all of it and focus on the look of disgust plastered across Shelby’s face.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She snaps harshly.

I didn't know it was possible to sober up so quickly, but that's how I feel right now.

I feel the color drain from my face, and all of the fun from my evening seems to have died.

I wish I could shrink into myself and disappear if only to hide from the look Shelby is giving me right now.

I don't understand what's happening here; we've walked about rape fantasies before!

We've laughed about our mutual love for horror characters and the hidden desire to be treated like a toy by somebody who would never actually hurt you.

“Woah, guys, what's going on here?” I hear, turning my head to see Carlie coming through a crowd of people to break up Shelby and I's argument.

Shelby puts her hands on her hips, the same hateful and disgusted look on her face, one I wish I could wash away forever. “Maeve here is joking about rape. Campus is on high alert for people being raped, and this bitch is jealous she isn't one of them. It's fucking sick, Maeve. Maybe you should just go…” She snaps.

Wait, that's not at all what I said!

Crap, say something; stand up for yourself!

But what do I even say? How do I defend that?

Would it help if I exposed what is going on between Shelby and me? Or would I just implode my life even more?

“What the fuck, Maeve? Jessica was just attacked last week, and you think that's funny? What is wrong with you?” Carlie snaps.

Wait, Jessica was attacked?

I just thought she hadn't been in class or around campus because she got chlamydia again.


I open my mouth to defend myself, to say or do anything to dig myself out of this hole, but no words come out. Nothing comes out but a little huff of air that even I can tell smells like straight liquor.

"Maybe you should look for a new apartment when our lease is up." She says harshly.

My eyes open wide in surprise. Why would she want me to leave? I always pay my rent on time, I’m clean, and I don't use a single grocery item of hers. Heck, I have my own cookware since she eats gluten!

I should be the perfect roommate!

"I don't need someone breaking into our place to act out your little fantasy and take me instead. That's sick." She says, almost turning her nose up at me.

I have to actively try not to cry, so I just nod and walk towards the exit without a word to anyone else.

Chapter 21

Leon Aldon

The only positive from this entire night has been getting to see Maeve genuinely happy.

It's worth wasting my night with this God-awful music, the typical stench of a bar, and all of the threats I've already had to make tonight.

It started with the bartender. He had to have been fucking delusional to think that he could disrespect ma fleur and come out of it with his hands intact.

I'm pretty sure I only bruised the bones; I didn't hear a crack, but who could tell in such a loud place?