His dark eyes took on a tinge of sorrow. “I know. And we both know that I don’t deserve to kiss the ground you walk on. Not because I love some idealized version of you, but because you’reyou. You’re a good person, Lucy. The best kind of person. You are funny and kind and sexy as fuck, and I might not deserve you...” He took a step forward and then another. “No, IknowI don’t deserve you.”
“Stop saying that,” she whispered.
“Maybe we both fucked up. Fear makes for all kinds of mistakes, and what we have between us is wildfire.” Gideon stopped in front of her and went down on one knee. “But, Lucy, I’d gladly spend the rest of my life burning for you.” He withdrew a ring box from the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “I love you. I’ve loved you for six goddamn years, and I convinced myself that the right thing to do was to stand back and let you be with someone you deserved. I fought every single damn day not to pull some underhanded shit and steal you from that douche.”
She reached out with shaking hands and touched the ring box. “Gideon—”
“I know you wanted a safe and pat marriage to some guy you don’t give two fucks about. I can’t offer you that, Lucy. But I can offer you a husband who will love you beyond all reason, even if he occasionally screws up. I can offer you a safe harbor, a full life and more sex than you know what to do with. Iamoffering you that.”
She couldn’t catch her breath. In all the scenarios she’d played out over the last few days, she’d never once imagined Gideon, down on one knee, offering her everything she’d spent two years being too terrified to admit she wanted. “Gideon.”
“Yes?” He didn’t look scared while he waited for her answer. He looked totally and completely at peace for the first time in as long as she could remember. As if he was exactly where he wanted to be—where he was meant to be.
Lucy stepped forward and tangled her fingers in his hair. “Steal me.”
His dark eyes went wide. “That’s a yes.”
It wasn’t a question but she answered anyway. “That’s a hell yes.”
He gave a whoop and shot to his feet, sweeping her off hers in the process. “I love the shit out of you, Lucy. I’ll spend the rest of our life making up for six years of missed opportunity.”
She kissed him with everything she had. “Maybe it was good that it took us six years to get here and more than a few missteps along the way. There’s a right time and place. This isourtime andourplace.” Lucy kissed him again. “I love you, Gideon. So, so much.”
He stepped back enough to slip the ring out of the box and onto her finger. It was...perfect. The simple silver band framed a princess-cut diamond that was big enough to have her shooting a look at him. “Wow.”
“Funny, that’s what I say every time I see you.” He pulled her back into his arms. “Wow. This woman is mine. And I’m hers.”
“Yes and yes and yes.” She smiled up at him. “Always.”
Make Me Crave
To Hunter McGrady.
You’re an inspiration!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11