Page 33 of Burn (Breathless 3)

“I’ll be back to check on you in a little while,” Brandon said to Caroline as he brushed a kiss over her lips.

Caroline flopped onto the comfortable couch next to Josie. Mia took the other side of Caroline and Bethany perched on the arm.

“So you’re moving to Las Vegas,” Mia murmured.

Tears filled Caroline’s eyes. “Yeah. Brandon wants to get married before we go. We have six weeks to find a place to live there, get married and move out there before he starts his new job. Mr. Wellington is being fabulous about everything. He’s paying for relocation and also helping with the down payment on the house. He’s very serious about Brandon and wants him to consider this a long-term position. He’s doubling Brandon’s salary so we won’t have to worry about money and I have plenty of time to find a job out there.”

“That’s wonderful, Caro,” Mia said softly. “But I’ll miss you terribly.”

“We all will,” Bethany amended. “Girls’ night out just won’t be the same without you!”

Caroline hugged them both and then rose. “I’m going to head to the ladies’ room and see if the others are coming. I’ll also snag the waitress and tell her we all want another round. Be back in a flash.”

Mia watched her best friend go with an unhappy frown. When Caroline left the room, Mia sighed.

“Damn, I’m going to miss her.”

“I know,” Bethany said. “So will I. But you still have us, Mia.”

Mia looked up and smiled and then impulsively reached for both Josie’s and Bethany’s hands to squeeze.

“Okay so we’re alone now and I have to admit, Josie, that Bethany and I are bursting with nosy questions about you and Ash. I hope we don’t offend you but we’re dying to know all the details!”

Josie laughed. “I don’t mind. But I’m afraid you’re in for a disappointment. There’s nothing really exciting about our relationship.”

Mia snorted. “You’ll forgive us if we don’t quite believe that. The first thing you have to tell us is just how good he is in the sack. I suppose Bethany already knows, but I have to admit, I’m curious!”

Then she promptly clamped a hand over her mouth, her eyes rounding with horror.

“Oh my God, Josie! I’m so sorry!” A low moan escaped and Mia buried her face in her hands. “I’m so stupid. I swear. Gabe and Jace are always telling me how I just blurt out whatever I’m thinking without any consideration for what I’m saying.”

Josie smiled wryly. “It’s okay, Mia. Really. I know about Bethany and Ash.” She glanced over at Bethany to see the other woman was even more mortified than Mia. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were mirrors of discomfort.

“I hope you understand,” Bethany said. “I mean that it didn’t mean anything to Ash. Oh God, this is even more awkward than things were the first time Jace and I saw Ash together after that night.”

Josie reached over to squeeze Bethany’s hand. “Please don’t. It’s okay, really. I admit, when Ash first told me what happened, I dreaded meeting you. I wasn’t crazy about having to spend time with a woman who’d had sex with Ash. I hated the idea of picturing the two of you together. But after meeting you it was okay. And I think in a lot of ways, seeing how Jace was with you helped cement for me that there was nothing between you and Ash except deep friendship.”

“I’m glad,” Bethany said sincerely. “I love Ash. I really do. But as a friend. I adore Jace beyond all reason.”

“I suppose I’ve ruined any chance of us getting the dirt on you and Ash now, Josie,” Mia said glumly.

Josie laughed. “Well, no, not if you give me return dirt. I’m dying of curiosity over your men too. Like for instance, is that a collar you wear, Bethany? Or is it just a necklace?”

Bethany’s cheeks went pink as she fingered the diamond that rested in the hollow of her throat. “It’s a collar,” she said softly. “Jace wanted me to wear it. I never take it off.”

“Is yours a collar too, Josie?” Mia asked.

Josie nodded.

“Well damn,” Mia muttered. “I want one too. I think they’re so cool. I’d love for Gabe to pick one out and put it on me. But he’s not into collars. And to be honest, I never was until I saw Bethany’s. The meaning behind it is pretty awesome.”

Both Bethany and Josie nodded.

Josie downed the last of her drink and set it on the table in front of the couch. She had a pretty good buzz going, but she wasn’t even close to being plastered. She slipped her heels off her aching feet and stretched her toes, nearly sighing in contentment.

“Oh look, there’s Jace,” Mia said.

She’d gotten up and walked to the glassed-in area of the box to look down on the floor.

She turned back to Bethany. “He’s here early isn’t he? Or have we not been drinking enough?”

“I don’t think we’ve been drinking as much,” Bethany said ruefully.

“Well damn. We have to fix this. And the only way I know to get shitfaced in a very short time is to do shots!”

“Oh hell,” Josie said. “I’ve never even had a shot of anything.”

“You’ll be okay,” Mia said. “After the first one, you don’t really taste them anymore.”

Just then the door burst open and the rest of the women came in noisily. The waitress was with them, and handed out drinks and then listened as Mia gave her the next series of orders.

“Shots?” Caroline asked. “Since when do we do shots?”

“Since we’re not nearly drunk enough,” Mia said dryly. “Jace is already here, which means we don’t have much longer. We have to catch up!”

“Bring the bottle,” Chessy called to the waitress. “Better make it two! We have a lot of women here tonight.”

The waitress grinned. “You got it.”

Everyone piled onto the couches and chairs, shoes going this way and that. A few moments later, the waitress returned and began lining up shot glasses on the table.

“Everyone got one?” Trish yelled.

After a chorus of yesses, Gina held up her shot glass in a toast. Everyone raised theirs and then amid shouts of “Go, go go!” they downed the first shot.

Fire blazed down Josie’s throat. She coughed and sputtered so much her eyes watered. She could feel it in her belly. Hell, she could even feel it travel to her bladder. It was sitting in her bladder, hot and swirling. Already she needed to go pee.

“Let’s do the next!” Trish encouraged.

They picked up the next shot glasses, held them up as they did the last ones and then tossed the contents back.

A low chuckle sounded from the door. Everyone jerked around to see Jace standing there with Brandon. Both men looked amused. Jace was outright laughing. Then Jace stepped aside and Brittany appeared in the doorway, her face pink, her eyes shining brightly.

Behind her, stood Kai Wellington. He had hold of her elbow, but he let it go when she started forward.

“Sorry I’m late,” she said breathlessly. “Did you save any for me?”

Gina tossed a shot glass in Brittany’s direction. Brittany caught it and then set it down so Mia could pour a shot from the bottle of tequila the waitress had brought. They were insane. All of them. Josie included. She had to be nuts to be doing this. She was going to be one hungover bitch in the morning. But for now? She was having a blast.

“I was so jealous of you guys,” Brittany said wistfully.

Bethany cocked her head to the side. “Whatever for?”

“Because you all have a man to go home to. All you’ve talked about is how cute they think you are when you’re drunk. How they’ll tear your dresses off and fuck you in your heels.” Her expression went dim. “I’ve never had a man who wanted to do that.”

“You do now,” Kai drawled from the doorway.

Brittany turned bright red, but warmth crept in to her gaze as she turned to look at Kai who was still standing in the doorway.

“Oh my,” Mia murmured. “Brittany, girlfriend, I’d say you scored for the night.”

Brittany grinned. “Maybe I did!”

“No maybe about it, babe,” Kai said in a low growl. “Have fun with your girls, but when you’re done? You’re coming home with me.”

“I think I just came,” Gina muttered under her breath.

“No lie,” Trish said. “I need to change my underwear. Good God, Brittany. He is hot!”

Brittany’s smile was one hundred watts. She reached for the full shot glass and promptly tossed it down.

“They do this regularly?” Kai asked, amusement thick in his voice.

“Yes,” both Jace and Brandon answered in unison.

“How come the room is spinning?” Josie asked, her eyes crossing as she tried to keep up with the spins. “Kai, you own the club, Brandon said. Why does it spin?”

Kai chuckled. “No spin, babe. It’s the alcohol making you spin.”

“Then why do you serve alcohol that makes people spin?” Bethany asked in a perplexed voice.

Jace laughed this time.

“It gets worse,” Brandon said with a sigh. “They’re really only just getting started.”

The waitress bustled back through picking up empties and replacing them with clean shot glasses. She did a quick check of the bottle she’d left and then set a new one down.

“She rocks,” Caroline muttered as she picked up another shot. “We should totally take her to Vegas with us, Brandon.”

“Drink up, girlfriends. The night is still young!” Chessy crowed.

Josie downed two more shots but her eyes bugged out the entire time. She was a lightweight. No way she’d be able to hold any more liquor without puking. The room was spinning. Like a merry-go-round from hell. And there were two of everyone, which made the already crowded room seem even more crowded.

“How about some music,” Mia blurted. “Are we finished talking for a bit? Who wants to dance with me?”

Josie raised her hand. “I do! But someone has to help me up.”

Josie was hoisted upward by no less than three sets of hands. Mia punched the button to allow the music through the sound system. The girls shrieked and then everyone was up, bumping and grinding in time to the beat.

“This is fun!” Josie yelled out.

“Bet your ass it is!” Mia yelled back.

“Thanks for inviting me!” Brittany exclaimed. “I’ve had so much fun, and oh my God, Kai wants me to go home with him after. Should I do it?”

Josie shot a fuzzy glance toward the door where the men were still standing and most assuredly heard Brittany’s drunken question.

Kai’s lips twisted with amusement. “Do I get a vote?”

Josie turned back to Brittany. “Do you want to?”

Brittany blinked. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

“As long as he gives me contact info so I can check on you tomorrow and make sure he didn’t murder you in your sleep then yeah, go for it,” Josie urged.

There was more laughter by the door but Josie ignored them. She was having too much fun dancing with her new friends. And they were great. Just as Ash had said they were.

She closed her eyes and put her back to Mia’s as they both swayed, arms up, asses shaking the entire time.

• • •

Ash’s phone rang and he saw it was Jace calling.

“Hey, man, women giving you fits yet?”

Jace chuckled. “You ought to get up here, man.”

Ash’s eyes narrowed and he glanced over at Gabe who was also paying close attention to the conversation.

“What’s going on?” Ash demanded. “Are they all right?”

“Oh yeah, they’re fine. But I think we’re going to have to go to plan B.”

“What’s plan B?”

“Well, plan A was for me to get them all in the limo and home after they got plastered and had fun. However, they’re currently on the floor of a private box, staring up at the ceiling and talking about shit I don’t have a clue about. If you have any hope of salvaging the evening, my suggestion is for you to come collect your woman and get her ass home.”

Ash chuckled. “Gabe and I will be there in a few. Watch over them until then.”

“Will do,” Jace said as he rang off.

“What the hell?” Gabe demanded.

Ash laughed. “According to Jace, they’re pretty shitfaced. He said they’re lying on the floor of one of the boxes. He suggested we might want to go collect our women if we had any hope of later.”

“I’ll ride with you and call my driver on the way to have him meet us there.”

Ash nodded. “Let’s roll.

Twenty minutes later, they pulled up to the club. Ash directed the driver to park a short distance away and remain on standby. Then he and Gabe got out and walked toward the entrance.