Page 36 of Burn (Breathless 3)

It had never been like this. Never before. Only with Josie. His heart was so full, it felt near to bursting. So much he wanted to say. That he wanted to tell her.

Her fingers stroked through his hair, caressing gently before they fell away, her body going lax beneath him. He picked up his head, staring down at her, a broad smile curving his lips upward.

She was out cold.

Chuckling, he gently extricated himself from her body and then he went into the bathroom, returning with a warm cloth to clean her up. After ensuring she was clean and comfortable, he pulled her heels off, then rid himself of the rest of his clothing before picking her up and positioning her on the bed. He crawled in beside her, reaching to turn off the lamp.

The room was doused in darkness and he pulled her close, into the shelter of his body. He stroked her body, enjoying the feel of her warm and sated next to him.

Yeah, girls’ night out definitely needed to be a regular event. There wasn’t anything better than having a gorgeous, very drunk, cute-as-hell woman come home to him wanting nothing more than to be fucked in killer heels.

He made a mental note to go and buy her a dozen pairs of sexy, sparkly heels. And while he was at it, he’d definitely be buying more of the naughty lingerie, complete with access slits.

Chapter twenty-seven

“Is Brittany coming?” Mia asked when Josie slid into the booth next to Bethany.

“She texted right when I was leaving the apartment and said she’d meet us here,” Josie replied. “I’d think she’d be here any minute.”

“Did she say anything about her night?” Bethany asked.

Josie grimaced and shook her head. “Nothing. She said she’d fill us in when she got here.”

“At least she’s off today and didn’t have to deal with a hangover at work,” Mia said. “Those shots kicked my ass! Gabe was sweet and babied me before he left for work, but I went back to bed and stayed there until it was time to meet up for lunch.”

Bethany snickered. “Yeah, Jace was sweet too. Amazing the gratitude they show for drunk sex.”

Josie laughed. “Ash brought me coffee and what he called a hangover cure. I don’t even know what it was. Several pills. But it did the trick. After a shower, I actually felt human again.”

“Oh look, there’s Brittany now,” Bethany said, raising her hand to wave.

Brittany navigated the busy restaurant and then slid into the booth next to Mia.

“Hey, gang,” she said brightly.

“Now there is the face of a girl who got some,” Mia said dryly.

Brittany blushed bright red, but her eyes were glowing.

“Spill!” Josie demanded. “We’re dying to hear all about Kai Wellington.”

Brittany laughed. “Oh my gosh, you guys. He is amazing. I don’t even have words. He has this dark, mysterious thing going on with him. He doesn’t say a whole lot, but when he talks, you just listen, you know?”

“Get to the good part,” Mia said impatiently. “What’s he like in bed?”

Everyone burst into laughter.

“Uhm, well, we didn’t have sex last night,” Brittany hedged. “He brought me to my apartment, tucked me into bed. I don’t remember anything after that. But this morning, I woke up and he was in bed next to me. He’d stripped down to his boxers, and let me just say, that man is built! I was drooling all over my pillowcase, for God’s sake.”

Josie chuckled at Brittany’s animated description.

“He was sooo sweet too! He made me breakfast in bed then he took me into the bathroom to shower.”

“He took you into the bathroom?” Bethany asked. “As in got in the shower with you?”

Brittany blushed. “Yeah. It was sweet. But also hot. I mean all that gorgeous naked male flesh. I thought I was going to have a heart attack.”

“So what happened then?” Mia said.

“After the shower, we went back to bed, and then we had sex.”

Brittany wore a smug, satisfied smile. Yeah, the sex must have been really good judging by her expression.

“And?” Bethany demanded. “Come on, don’t leave us hanging! He just looked like he’d be a beast in bed. So dark and brooding. A lot like Jace!”

“Okay stop,” Mia said with a shudder. “We can talk about hotness all we want, but can we please leave Jace out of it?”

Josie pulled a face. “You’re no fun, Mia. Can’t you forget he’s your brother just for a little while?”

Mia shook her head adamantly.

Brittany laughed and then leaned back in the booth, sighing a dreamy sigh that told Josie she was in deep already. But then who was she to judge? It hadn’t taken any longer for Ash to completely reel her in. She’d been a goner the minute he’d dragged her out of her apartment. If she was completely honest, she’d admit that she’d been a goner that very first day in the park. It had just taken her longer to realize that.

“It was awesome,” Brittany said. “And yes, total beast in bed. So demanding and possessive.” She shivered, chill bumps breaking out over her skin. Then her expression dimmed and her lips twisted into a grimace. “Nothing at all like my first husband. Ugh. Not even in the same universe!”

“Forget him,” Josie ordered. “He’s in the past. Move on. Now tell us more.”

The others burst into laughter again. They were drawing attention from the other tables, but Josie didn’t care. Normally she’d be appalled over being the focus in a public setting, but she already loved these girls and she was having fun.

“I orgasmed three times,” Brittany said in a loud whisper. “Three times! That’s three more times than I ever came with my husband.”

“Yay!” Bethany said, a broad smile on her face. “So what now? Was it a one-night thing? Did he get your number? Is he going to call?”

“One question at a time, Bethany,” Mia scolded. “She can’t keep up! But yes, Brittany, tell us everything.”

Brittany smiled and Josie saw just how beautiful she was. Her eyes shone and the shadows that had haunted them were gone. She seemed more sure of herself. She seemed . . . happy.

“Oh, he got my number. Made me program all his numbers into my cell. Wanted to know what I was doing today. Where I was going and with whom. Then he told me that this was not a one-night stand and that I better get it out of my head now if that’s what I was thinking.”

“Wow,” Mia whispered. “That sounds intense!”

“He didn’t even ask if I wanted to see him again,” Brittany continued, a goofy grin plastered on her face. “He told me he’d be at my apartment this evening to take me to dinner and that I was staying over in his hotel.”

Josie frowned. “So he doesn’t have an apartment here?”

Brittany shook her head. “No. He’s been in Vegas getting the new club ready to open. Now that it is, he’s planning to spend a lot of his time out there, or at least for the first few months. He travels a lot, going between his clubs, so he doesn’t maintain a permanent residence anywhere.”

“How long will he be here then?” Bethany asked, her lips turning down into a frown that mirrored Josie’s own.

Brittany shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to take it one day at a time and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe I’m just an itch he wants to scratch while he’s in town. I know better than to read more into the situation. Good way to get my hopes crushed.”

“He could scratch his itch with me,” Mia muttered.

Bethany died laughing. “I’m so telling Gabe you said that.”

Mia glared at her. “No you won’t. Girlfriends’ code. What’s discussed with girlfriends stays with girlfriends.”

“True,” Bethany agreed. “But it’s fun to tease you.”

“Besides, I’ve got more than I can handle with Gabe. I can look. Nothing’s wrong with my eyes—or my hormones for that matter. But I have no desire to touch another man,” she said cheekily.

“Is it possible to fall in love at first sight?” Brittany asked wistfully. “I’m thirty years old and I’ve never been in love. I certainly wasn’t in love with my husband. I’m worried that Kai just overwhelmed me and that I latched on to him because he was so attracted to me. I just wonder if I would have responded to any guy the way I responded to Kai.”

Josie reached over to squeeze Brittany’s hand. “Absolutely it is possible. It happens more than you’d think. And you need to stop beating yourself up over your first marriage. Shit happens. But you got out. Now it’s time to move on and give yourself a chance at happiness.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Bethany said. “And Jace swears that he fell for me the first time he laid eyes on me. And from what you say, it certainly seems that Kai fell pretty hard himself.”

Mia slung an arm around Brittany’s shoulders. “Go for it, girlfriend. Have a great time. If it works out, great. But if it doesn’t? You’ll have us to fall back on. Not to mention Ash and the guys will beat the crap out of Kai if he fucks you over.”

Bethany grinned her agreement. Even Brittany’s eyes sparkled with amusement. Josie didn’t say anything since she well knew that Ash would do just that. Mia’s words were just that. Words. But Ash wouldn’t hesitate to go after someone for hurting someone he cared about. He’d already proven that much.

“You’re right,” Brittany said. “I should just go with it. Have a good time. I’m reading too much into it. He probably just wants some action while he’s here. And since he’s the bomb in bed that’s not a hardship. I just hope I don’t get all whiny when he leaves.”

“Maybe he won’t,” Josie said with a shrug. “He looked pretty into you last night and from what you’ve said about him, this doesn’t look like just a pussy call for him.”

“Pussy call!” Mia cracked up. “I’m so going to steal that from you. That’s hilarious!”

“I think you’re right,” Bethany agreed. “I mean that’s all I thought I was to Jace that first night. I never dreamed he’d turn the city over looking for me! And let’s just say once he found me that was it. Not that we didn’t have issues. But he was in it for the long haul.”

“So what about you and Ash?” Brittany asked, turning the attention to Josie. “I’ve never seen my brother this intense over a woman. Not that we spent a lot of time together, mind you, but I would have known if he’d been with the same woman for a long time.”

“Long time!” Josie exclaimed with a laugh. “We’ve only been together like two weeks.”

“He’s a goner,” Mia said solemnly. “Trust me, I know. He and Jace always fucked the same women, and it wasn’t always pretty. I met their last piece of ass.” She winced and cleared her throat. “Not you, Bethany. Before you. Ah shit, but there goes my foot into my mouth again.”

Bethany’s cheeks turned pink, but Josie laughed. “Don’t Bethany. It’s okay. Really. I love that we can talk about it and not let it be all awkward between us. Really it’s better that way.”

Brittany looked thoroughly confused but they didn’t fill her in.

“Anyway, as I was saying,” Mia said. “Before I inserted the foot. Was that I met up with Jace and Ash’s last chick. They took me out to eat and I swear she followed us there. No way she just happened to be in the same place we were. Totally wasn’t her style if you know what I mean. We were in a pub munching down on nachos and other yummy lowbrow stuff. And she marches up like a woman scorned and made a scene. Insulted me in the process because she assumed I was her replacement.”

She shuddered delicately as she said the last.

“Didn’t go over too well, huh,” Bethany said with a grin.

Mia winced. “No. Uh, let’s just say she didn’t take the ‘it’s the end’ message very well. And my point in bringing this up was that Jace and Ash were banging the same chicks for a long time. And then suddenly Jace met Bethany and that was over. And then Ash met you and it’s obvious that his banging random chicks is over too. I’ve been around him a lot of years, and he never hung on to the same woman for as long as he’s been with you, Josie.”

“Glad to know that,” Josie murmured.

“So, are you in love with him?” Brittany asked. “Should I be asking what your intentions toward my brother are?”

Everyone laughed and Josie held up her hands. “I was gentle last night. Promise!”

“You didn’t answer the question,” Mia said pointedly.

Josie sighed. “Yes, I’m in love with him. I haven’t told him. I wanted to make sure I told him at the right time. It sounds so stupid, but I don’t want to scream it out when we’re having sex or caught up in the moment, nor do I want to tell him when he’s doing something really sweet for me because I want him to know I mean it and that I’m not just spouting something in the heat of the moment.”