Page 12 of Some Like It Hott

“Makes sense,” Natalie says calmly. “What’s on your list?”

I swipe open my phone and look at the list I brainstormed on the plane. “Scavenger hunt, human knot, trivia, charades—what?” I demand because the twitch at the corner of Natalie’s mouth has morphed into laughter, and I’m awash in irritation.

She darts a quick look at Hanna, who nods. Natalie squares her shoulders and says, “Those are eighties-era team-building activities, not upscale, stylish wedding-resort offerings. We have to think bigger.”

“Those activities are classics because theywork. And this isexactlywhat I didn’t want to get into. Arguing about every little thing instead of getting it done. You see?” I say to Hanna. “This is why I think you should fire her. Because if we go down the path she’s proposing, we’ll never pull together a program by the end of the summer, let alone in a month.”And Hanna will lose the business and we’ll lose the land. And then not only will I be exactly what grandfather said I was, I’ll be what I’ve always most feared: the Hott who let this family down.

But when I look at Hanna, far from nodding along, seeing the logic of my assertion, she’s glaring at me with the force of a thousand fiery suns.

“Preston Barrett Hott. I didnotsign up to get dragged into Granddad’s bullshit and be a pawn in this ridiculous game while all of you get to act out your childhood crap all over Rush Creek.” She crosses her arms and takes a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly before she speaks. “I didn’t want to have to tell you or anyone this yet, but I’mpregnantagain. So when I say I need this to be easy and uncomplicated?—”

But she doesn’t have to finish the sentence. It lands like a gut punch, and I’m sick to my stomach, remembering Hanna’s last pregnancy and how she ended up with preeclampsia. I remember her clutching her head, her face washed of all color, and the hours pacing in the waiting room in the hospital while they brought her blood pressure under control.

She was fine. Eloise is fine. But Ineverwant her or her unborn babies to go through that again.

“I’m sorry,” I say quietly. “I’m an asshole.”

Hanna scowls. “Agreed.”

I’m half expecting Natalie to cosign, but she only says, “Hanna, I’m sorry I’m making this more difficult. Maybe Ishould, you know, recuse myself or whatever?—”

“No,” my sister says, more gently. “As he himself noted, Preston’s been an asshole since he walked in here.”

I should probably be glad she didn’t saysince he was born.

“You,” she says to Natalie, “were just doing your job and trying to keep him from bombing out. And weneedthat from you, Preston’s opinion to the contrary. So here’s the deal. You”—she points at me—“are in charge because that’s what the will says. But you”—she points at Natalie—“are the brains of this operation. Which means that you”—she points back at me—“need to basically follow her around like an obedient puppy, sayingYes, ma’am.”

“Puppies don’t say?—”

Her glare shuts me up. “And both of you had better keep whatever feelings you have about all of this to yourselves because I have had it up to here”—she gestures to her hairline—“and I don’t have the time or mental energy to play games.”

She turns to Natalie, and to my great pleasure, she gives her a stern-teacher look. “If you and my brother don’t figure out a way to cooperate, I won’t have a business—which means you won’t have a job, and neither will I. And he can’t do this on his own, obviously.”

I start to protest, but Hanna aims a scowl at me that shuts me down.

“If you stay on and make this work,” she continues to Natalie, “I’ll give you a ten-thousand-dollar-raise and free housing for a year, in one of the new cabins. Regular employee rate after that but guaranteed for as long as you have the job.”

Natalie bites her lip. White teeth, soft plump flesh. My body tightens again. Amazing that there’s still a part of my brain with the energy to be turned on by someone who’s essentially making my life miserable. Definitely a testament to the desert of my sex life.

Hanna stands. And scowls at both of us. “So come up with something that works, and come up with it fast. You can audition your first ten activities at the Wilder-Hott family party at my house a week from this coming Sunday. And you can start by both being here tomorrow morning at nine, in the conference room, to strategize.”

Her scowl deepens. “And don’t let me hear fromanyonethat you’re making this difficult for each other.”



Iwalk slowly back to the lodge and my room while I contemplate my fate.

Apparently I am going to spend at least a month and possibly a whole summer working with a guy who in the space of half an hour went from being my ultimate sexual fantasy to my worst nightmare.

This should be fun.

By which I mean, this sucks.

I could quit.

I maybeshouldquit?