Wade turned to me, but I shook my head. “I’m partnering up with my friend over in the back corner.”
He followed the jerk of my head and whistled. “Good luck. His name’s Bob.”
Bob the knob.
Weaving between stewards, I approached a large man somewhere in his forties. Like most of the tribe, he was toned and in great shape.
I tapped him on the shoulder.
His polite smile dropped to an intense scowl when he identified me.
“You’re with me.” Glancing at his hostile partner, I pointed to Wade at the front. “And you’re with him.”
My tone didn’t exactly leave room for discussion.
When his friend left, I touched the tip of my finger to my earlobe. “Do you know what these ears allow me to do, Bob?”
He didn’t drop his scowl.
“They allow me to hear very, very well. I can hear sounds from two kilometres away. So your little comment before, the one where you saidLook at her standing there like she’s one of us…you may as well have spoken in my ear.”
We’d attracted the attention of the nearest stewards.
“Bob,” one hissed. “Shut your damn mouth. You heard her last night.”
I arched a brow. “Sounds like those comments may not make you too popular around these parts.”
His expression said it all—Fuck you.
Ignoring him for now, I obeyed Gerry’s shouts and worked through the warm-up.
Jesus, good thing I was a Luther, so I didn’t look like a sloppy couch potato.
One thing Rhona always had going for her is that she lookedthe part of werewolf slayer. I’d skipped the years of dedication, but my muscles remained toned and strong without effort. I was more physically capable than any person in here without trying.
“Sparring in pairs,” Gerry boomed.
I faced Bob.
We circled each other.
“You’ve got a lot of hate for Luthers,” I murmured, watching his legs.
“They’re animals.”
“Humans are animals too.”
He gritted his teeth. “We’re here to spar,Head Steward.”
The guy sure madeHead Stewardsound likeMotherfucker.
“Do normal wolves bother you?” I pressed.
“No,” he ground out.
Truth.I fucking loved my nose. “Is it that Luthers have the abilities of a wolf on steroidsanda human brain to use them with?”