Page 58 of Wolf Roulette

Promises I wanted to make.

I nodded at them and walked back to the entrance.

A huge form blocked my path.

“What do you want, old wolf?” I growled.

Gasps rang out.

“If your game is what I assume, then it’s a very dangerous one,” Alexei said low.

I’d never seen him in here before. Though with hundreds of Luthers around at all times, and the ability to conceal his scent, hiding in plain sight wouldn’t be hard. “You’re good at making assumptions, Alexei. I won’t take them from you. I hope your other fish are in a biting mood today.”

Stepping around him, I continued on.

“Young wolves should listen to the wisdom of their elders,” he called at my back.

Not when those elders were in denial of their failures. The one thing I’d said to Alexei that truly affected him was my criticism of his success as pack leader. He’d wrapped himself in haunting memories and was marinating in regret and self-loathing.

I left the pack house.

Shoving my keys into Ella F, I stopped to feel for Sascha one last time.

Please come back.

I tugged on the bond and waited with bated breath, but he didn’t budge. If he heard my silent call, he didn’t respond.

Drawing out my phone, I typed.

Sascha, we can win this together.

I’m not leaving you. I’m trying to make this work.

Call me as soon as possible.

Your Andie

Pocketing the phone, I looked up to find Mandy watching me from the pack house.

She crossed her arms. “Run along, traitor.”

“My offer extends to you, too, Mandy.” The delta only hurt this much because she cared about Sascha and the pack. “If you need me, I’m a call away.”

She scoffed, and I didn’t stick around for her caustic response.

I left pack lands.

And left part of myself behind in the doing.

Ugly guilt and sadness churned deep inside, but as I made the drive to the manor, resolve swept those hesitations into the dustbin where they belonged. Slight nerves were overshadowed by an undeniable, endless determination.

Perhaps I lost respect for the game when Rhona used violence against the pack in Clay. ButSaschawas worth fighting for. I’d play Victratum for him.

I stopped at the manor gates and was greeted by a beaming Cameron.

She leaned through the open window to hug me. “I’m so glad you’re back. Welcome home.” Cam stepped back and gave the red button a hearty slap. “Get the hell in there and head steward the shit out of us.”

I obeyed.