He twitched the line. “Not at all. I was simply going to remark that your sister’s violent approach is dangerous for the tribe. She unleashed a smaller version of her father’s trick in Sandstone.”
“A landslide?”
He dipped his head. “We’d prepared for it. And of course, we used the strategy I informed you about.”
Rhona would have an equally violent plan in store for Timber. The risk of losing points to serious injury was huge. She couldn’t win that way, and who in their right mind wouldwantto win that way?
But the head team knew that risk just as well as me. They’d advise her.
I could definitely stay out of this one.
The less I involved myself, the better Sascha and I would be.
“The pack strategy for Timber is inspired.” The fisherwolf recast.
“Axel,” I called again. The pup paused at the stream’s edge again and doubled back.
Little stinker.
The old man didn’t stop talking. “We’ve never considered using the trees, but why not? It’s not as if the tribe has the strength and agility to move between them as we do. I believe you were the muse for the strategy.”
I leaned down to pat Axel. “Sascha crept up on me one day. I leaped into the tree.”
The tribe had nothing against that kind of strategy. All our ground traps would be void. With the Luthers’ stealth, we’d be easy pickings.
The head team wouldn’t see it coming.
“It’s time to find your mother,” I said to the pup. “I have a date.”
He cast me a baleful look.
“We can play again soon. I promise.”
The pup rested a paw on the saxophone.
“If I hear that you’re being good for your mother, we can look at the instrument another time.”
Axel yipped.
I hummed. “I can’t understand you, big pup. Could you tell me another way?”
He flopped to the ground, huffing.
The old man didn’t shift his attention from the stream. “Goodbye, young wolf.”
I had to find out who this guy was ASAP. He was actively trying to screw things up for the pack via me—and that pissed me off. “Bye, old wolf.”
After dropping off Axel to a grateful Jemma, I ambled between the bungalows turning over the fisherwolf’s information.
Using the trees would shift the game in Timber from an even match to a total landslide.
Why does that wolf keep coming back?I asked Booker.
Who cares? Just use the information.
I don’t like pack members disrespecting Sascha like that.