Page 207 of Wolf Roulette

He deposited me in his pickup truck.

Sascha burned rubber leaving pack lands and drove us farther east. We wound up to the place we’d once come to for our failed date.

He turned down a dirt road, and the pickup screeched to a stop.

A wood cabin. “What is this?”

“A place for couples going through the mating call.”

I shimmied out Sascha’s side of the truck, and he swung me into his arms.

Sascha stopped and gazed downward. “Andie, I don’t want to deny the heat tonight. What do you want?”

He was only asking that questionafterbringing me to the mating cabin. I withheld my laughter. “Guess you’ll find out.”

Sascha paled.

He held me close and managed to open the door.

I eyed the inside of the cabin.

It smelled clean, but I had to know. “How many couples have used this?”

“No one. We’re the first mating since it was built.”

My brothel germ concerns melted away. “Nice to have somewhere private.”

He grinned. “This was built in sympathy for the pack actually. Mating couples in the heat aren’t very considerate and have endless endurance—so I’m told.”

Oh. Right.

Sascha sat me on the bed.

My eyes narrowed. “This has been freshly laundered.”

He scanned my face. “I’d thought something might happen after the ball. I wanted to be ready.”

The thought of making love in dusty sheets didn’t appeal. “You may proceed.”

He yanked on my legs and I flopped back, laughing.

I propped myself up on my elbows. “Sascha?”


My stomach swooped. “I’ve never been with a Luther before.”

His nostrils flared. “I sincerely hope not, little bird.”

“If I do something wrong, will you tell me?”Ugh,embarrassing. I flopped back again and covered my face.

Gentle hands forced my hands away.

“Beautiful wolf,” Sascha said. “I’ve never been with someone raised as human. Will you tell me if I do anything wrong too?”

The words were only meant for my comfort, but I accepted them at face value.

My cheeks warmed. “Yes.”