Too loud,she growled.
I know, but everything is okay.
She’d only taken over like that once—when we’d taken an unexpected trip over the waterfalls.
My mind cleared of her fear, and I pushed off the wall.
Where’s Sascha?
I found him across the hall in a similar position to mine.
What the hell just happened?
More importantly, did anyone just shift?
Locating the other Luthers, I stared at their groupings.
And blinked.
Deltas stood with deltas. Alphas with alphas. Omegas with Omegas. Every status had abandoned their prior place to stand with their own status.
Being sigmas, Sascha and I had done the opposite.
Oh my god.
I caught a few flashes of fang amidst the groups, but it seemed the older Luthers had naturally assumed an outside position, shielding the younger werewolves in the middle, out of sight.
Wade stormed into the kitchen and reprimanded two teens who’d snuck a cigarette and decided to smoke it inside. Sascha and I walked to each other.
“Do you think anyone noticed us?” I asked under my breath.
He frowned. “No. The humans panicked too. I can’t smell anything amiss. As long as no one’s phones were out, we should be good.”
In this day and age, that was a bigif. Then again, ball attire wasn’t really friendly for the size of modern cell phones either.
The music resumed and so did our swaying dance.
My heartbeat eventually settled.
I wanted to ask,Sascha thought at me. Have you given any thought to the sex meet?
Was he just casually bringing that up?
My heart decided to pound again.Not really. I was waiting for you to bring it up. You’re the responsible one.
Responsible.He was amused.Nothing about what I want to do to you is responsible.
His arousal surged, and mine followed like a moth to a flame.
His gaze burned into mine.What do you think about tonight?
I tilted my chin.Why tonight?
Because things are changing. Fast. I can feel the itch. I don’t know what time we have left, and I don’t want to lose this moment with you.
He wanted to have sex because of the game.
Sascha searched my gaze.That disappoints you.