I could leave the mayor part of that behind, but the chieftess title was badass.
“… with her esteemed date, Wade Nathaniel Begathry.”
My esteemed date had clammy-ass hands.
Or was that me?
I let Wade take the first step.
“I forgot to say,” he said as we moved into the hall. “You look alright.”
My sarcastic response died as I saw the hall interior.
Gold and white covered every surface in the old building. Twinkling lights filled huge balloons. The room felt like an enchanted fairy kingdom.
“Wade,” I hushed. “It’s gorgeous.”
We walked down the long, sparkling rug. Crowds lined it either side.
Sascha was behind them to the right and, annoyingly, out of sight.
“We need to sit on our thrones,” Wade whispered.
I peered ahead and moaned. Two thrones.For fuck’s sake. Leroy and Hairy would have a field day with this. “You’re unbelievable.”
He ignored me, waving to the crowd like they were avid fans.
We climbed the three stairs, and I sat on the largest throne, cheeks burning. Wade took the—only slightly—smaller throne beside me.
The population of Deception Valley stared up at us, and I stared back.
My friend sighed happily. “Look at our minions, baby girl. Breathe it all in.”
“You have an unhealthy relationship with power.”
Pascal passed the mic to Wade.
He rose. “Welcome to the Annual Deception Valley Ball. Tonight, I ask that you kick back, relax, dance, drink, and get to know your neighbours. It’s going to be a great night! But first, I’d like to speak more about the vision beside me.”
I nearly burst out laughing. He was such a lying bastard.
“As you know, the Ni Tiaki were greatly saddened by the recent passing of Hercules Thana. His eldest daughter took on the huge role Mr Thana filled for decades, and ladies and gentlemen, she has done an exceptional job. I, for one, am so very proud of her.”
The crowd applauded, and Wade reached out a hand to me.
I took it, smiling at him.
“This woman is the future of our valley,” he continued. “In her short time at the head of our table, Andie Thana has proven she has what it takes. Now, a few words from the woman herself.”
Grey eyes twinkling, he shoved the mic into my hands.
If I stood in this dress, I’d fall down the stairs.Sitting it is.“Thank you for gathering for this momentous occasion. In a town like ours, good relationships between neighbours is paramount. We rely on each other far more than those in the big wide. The Deception Valley Ball is a historic reminder of the seriousness of fostering and strengthening bonds with one another. I hope everyone leaves this ball having met someone they didn’t know yesterday. I look forward to meeting more of you tonight and in the future.”
The crowd politely applauded. I gestured to Wade. “Lastly, tonight wouldn’t have been possible without the man beside me. Please put your hands together for Wade Begathry, a person who has quickly become someone I can’t do without, and a person who is as kind as he is intelligent. Wade, you’ve done such a spectacular job. Thank you on behalf of our town.”
The crowd roared with approval.