Page 150 of Wolf Roulette

That’s how you think of this?Amusement.

Kind of. My human mind had to put wolfy things into normal lines sometimes.How are you feeling?

Good, mate.

That was a lie.Ha, this new gift was awesome.

A little tired. Nothing to worry about.

I wish you were with me.

I wish the same.

I toyed with the bedspread.Any luck talking to the pack about a truce?

Not much,he said grimly.Those I’ve approached mostly believe as my father does.

Dammit.What will it take for them to listen?

Hearing actual proposals for a truce.

That involved revealing a whole heap of stuff I wasn’t sure they could handle though.Where do you stand, Sascha?

You can’t be happy doing less than your best for the tribe. I feel the same for the pack. I want to work with you. The moment there’s something viable, I’ll do so without hesitation.

After Kyros’s casual comment, I did have something to work with.

Wade burst into my room with Cameron in tow.

“What’s going on?” I eyed the garment bag.

“Dress fitting.” She held it up, cheeks tinged pink.

Look, I’ve got to go. Ball dress fitting.

I agreed to Wade’s week off.

You did?That wasn’t in the pack’s best interest.

The communication cut off.

I shot Wade a look. “How did you convince Sascha to agree to a week off the game?”

“He listened to my presentation. Unlike some people.”

“Sure he did. How did you do it?”

Wade snickered. “I tried to play nice. Said you were tired and could really use a mate who understood your needs.”

I snorted. “You have zero boundaries.”

“Yeah, well, he didn’t go for it. Seemed amused. Luckily, I’d compiled a list of Sascha’s ex-lovers. I said you’d receive the list. And let me tell you, he’s one hundred. There were a…”

He trailed off at my expression.

“But,” Wade blurted, “far fewer than there could have been?”

I threw off the blankets. “Right.”