Page 148 of Wolf Roulette

He sat back in his throne. “Indeed. And yet did not these same werewolves attack us unprovoked not long ago?”

Not long ago? How old was this guy?

“I’m sure it came across that way to your clan. Would you like to hear what I know on the matter?”

His eyes narrowed.

He didn’t like being questioned.

I waited.

“Proceed,” the king said.

Yes, sir.“The pack here was originally part of a larger pack whose leader ruled with extreme fear and violence. It takes a lot to scar a werewolf, King Julius, but many of the wolves here carry such wounds from their time under his rule. Alexei, brother to the leader, convinced half of the pack to join him in a quest to find safer territory where they may live in peace. They landed on your shores, and their presence was taken as an attack. Ten thousand battered and worn Luthers arrived in Bluff City, and thousands less made it out alive. When they did escape Vissimo, they ran into demons. Of the ten thousand wolves that left in hopes of a better life, only 15 percent of them made it to Deception Valley.”

“You attempt to persuade me with tales of woe and despair,” he sneered.

“I give you facts and leave you to interpret them how you will. I can see why the sight of ten thousand werewolves inspired the response it did.”

Kyros cut in. “Only seven-hundred and fifty Luthers remain. Why?”

I’d agonised over this since Basilia’s visit, but it was time to break a promise I made to Sascha. The only promise he’d ever asked of me.

More and more I’d started to believe that general knowledge of this secret would change how the tribe and others perceived the pack.

I met Kyros’s green gaze. “Witches, Demons, and Vissimo surround the pack on all sides. They’re trapped and can’t leave to find their mates. Luthers have one mate in their lifetime. Without that mate, they can’t have children and nature does not grant them immortality. The lifespan then is around four hundred and fifty years. The pack has slowly been dying off.”

The blonde sister gasped.

In fact, most of the royals appeared faintly disturbed.

“The wolves need access through our lands as part of an alliance then?” King Julius’s eyes glittered.

Clever bastard.

But I couldn’t give him that much power in the negotiations.

“I’m currently building an airport so small numbers of the pack can leave to find their mates. Safe passage through your territory would be appreciated as part of a deal, but not necessary.”

The king studied me. “Where is our assurance that the werewolves will uphold their end of the bargain if they can leave at any time via your airport or if we grant them safe passage through our territory? From my understanding, if your tribe wins this game, then the pack may be exiled from the valley too.”

“Where is our assurance that your clan will uphold their end of the bargain either?” I replied. “If Luthers give their word, they won’t break it. Small numbers of them would be absent at any given time in pursuit of their partner, but we can cap the amount to ensure enough scouts are available at any given time.” I took a breath. “I realise this alliance depends on the outcome of Victratum, the mercy of my tribe, and the willingness of my pack to enter into a deal. I’m not unaware of how uncertain that makes a potential partnership. So to avoid a situation where the pack can’t uphold their side of the deal, I recommend we only finalise a deal once I’ve won the game.”

A handsome vampire with dark features grinned. “You seem certain of the win, but that’s quite a gamble.”

I smiled without humour as I met his eyes. “I never gamble, Prince.”

The vampires fell quiet at my words.

I focused on the king again. “There are those in the pack who fought and won against demons. They hold first-hand knowledge about combat with that race. They’ve had some experience with witches also. The downside is that both the demons and witches are aware of pack presence here. On previous scouting missions, they’ve responded with violence.”

“Your tribe,” Kyros said, “it’s in their interest to play a part too. As humans, they could move about largely undetected.”

I stared at the crown prince.

Oh my god.Itwasin their interest.

I’d been so focused on the pack’s safety that I hadn’t considered—