Page 119 of Wolf Roulette

I frowned. “Really?”

“No, not really. Stop stereotyping me.”

Laughing, I shoved him and left the room.

I’d shift in the trees tonight.

The elastic band under my ribs loosened as I reached the bottom floor. I stopped short.

Sascha was here?

Picking up speed, I exited the manor in time to see two pickups roll into view. Gardening supplies filled the back trays.

A shirtless Sascha, clad in dark jeans, exited the front vehicle. My libido was manageable when I prepared myself for his company, but when he sprung surprise visits on me like this…

I was so screwed.

There weren’t words for how much I wanted him.

Forcing my legs to be stronger than a newborn deer’s, I crossed toward the workers. Hairy was there again, with three others.

Then there was Sascha.

“Hey,” I grunted.

Hairy grinned.


Sascha ambled toward me, shovel in hand. “Mate. We’re here to clear up the mess.”

“I guess you didn’t want to get your shirt dirty.” I winced as the words left my mouth.

His smile grew larger by the second. “My thoughts exactly.”

Our lust tangled together until there was more than one grinning werewolf in the vicinity.

I dragged my feet back a few steps. “Right. I’ll leave you to it.”

“I begged Hairy to let me come. Why not stay and keep me company?”

“The new moon is making me antsy. And Rhona’s back. I need to run.”

Sascha tensed. “Rhona returned? When?”

“Not long after Essie crashed your truck. I haven’t spoken with her yet, but I need to.”

He glanced at the others. “I’ll come for a run with you. We can talk it over.”

Sascha managed hundreds of wolves and made so many different statuses work in harmony. “I’d like that, but Booker will be pissed if I let Greyson get too close. With the bite meet and all.”

He couldn’t bite me if he tried!

“She’s making him work for it?” He leaned on the shovel.

I eyed the ripple effect across his muscles. “She called him a bad hunter with puny strength this morning.”

Sascha laughed after a beat. “Greyson took that personally.”