Page 78 of Wolf Roulette

Sascha could have something up his sleeve though.

My stomach churned as the last water cannon shut off.

I lifted my walkie. “Big Red. Wet T-shirt stewards. Retreat to higher ground. Over.” One toppled unconscious to the ground as the order left my lips.

“Big Red again. Immediate cover for wet T-shirt stewards. Over.” My shoulders eased as the Luthers turned their attention to dodging darts from above instead of chasing down my team.

Trouble,Booker snarled.

A pack member was toppling backward off the first level. A horrified steward stood before the falling woman, his tranquiliser gun raised.

Oh my god,she was unconscious.

“She’s going into the water.” I listened for shouts, but the pack was focused on climbing.


I launched over the railing of the tower, hands windmilling as I free-fell.

You said we wouldn’t get wet,Booker snapped.

Water closed over us, and I kicked upward, then wasted no time cutting through the water toward the cliffs.

The water was murky, but my eyes were unbeatable. I caught sight of dark skin ahead. Drawing in a huge breath of air, I submerged again and kicked downward.

This lake was fucking deep. My lungs strained as I gripped her arm.

I’d had my fucking fill of drowning. Utilising every inch of my supernatural strength, I propelled us to the surface.

We broke through, and I gasped for air.

The woman was an omega. Lisa’s friend.

I held her nose and breathed twice into her mouth. I couldn’t press on her chest out here. Treading water, I thumped her backhard.

The woman vomited red water. I rubbed her back until she was done.

She coughed a few times and settled into deep unconsciousness again.Oh, yeah.I pulled the dart from the woman’s chest and towed her to the muddy beach.

Half in the water, I rested the omega on her side. She was breathing. Her pulse was steady.

She was okay. I sagged over her, panting hard.

Every time you say we won’t get wet, we do.

My wolf was sulking.She would have died.

Don’t care.

Unsurprising. Booker didn’t feel the same protectiveness for the pack women and children.

I studied the fight on the surrounding levels.


The final cannon.

My knees nearly gave way.