I licked my lips and focused on keeping my wolf at a human-paced run until we were far enough from Pascal.
Then I just let go.
Oh my god.We were too weak to run last night. This felt…
Glorious didn’t sum it up.
This was freedom. Elation filled every part of me. For a moment, the need to tear Greyson apart took second place.
It feels even better with four legs,she grumbled.
I look forward to shifting after the grid.Smelling a steward nearby, I slowed to a lope and veered west.
But you said Luthers lose points for shifting in the grid.
I halted behind a tree, scanning for company.You’re evil. And smart.
Thank you.
Glancing around once more, I sniffed hard. Nothing except small prey.
“Wizard here.Phase one successful. Over.”
I jerked at the jubilant message from west and hastily clicked on my walkie.“Big Red. Initiate phase two. Over.”
Three replies.
You’re worried about your sister.
She could take care of herself, but the protocol was clear. If Rhona went down, the closest member of the unit took over communication. I should have heard from Billy, Foley, or the others by now.
My gut churned.
Ripping off my clothes, I crouched.Okay, shift. Quickly though. I need to get back to the walkie.
Greyson’s distant howl hammered in my chest.
My pleasure.
My gasp was more from shock as my human body split into a thousand pieces. Last night, I felt every breaking bone and every snap of sinew. Tonight, my mind couldn’t process the rapid breaking and reforming.
An ancient strength infused us,filledus, completed us.
Mmm,my wolf said, shaking her coat.
She wasn’t wrong. I felt invincible.We should walk close to a heat sensor to make sure they lose a point for a shift.
If you like.She took off at a lope through the forest.
This was our best speed. Not a sprint as I would have assumed prior. We could keep up this loping pace for weeks on end if our tummy was full. Nothing in the world could rival our stamina.
Nothing could outlast us.