Page 9 of Moon Claimed

“You killed my father. I think we can agree there’s no limit to what you’ll do.”

Sascha lowered his head.

I’d had enough interactions with him to recall that was a sign of submission, but the werewolf lifted his head again and took another step inside.

“Get out,” I snapped. “I mean it. The only time I want to see you is on the other side of a screen.”

The werewolf circled the table toward me. “The mating meets will continue.”

Incredulous laughter left my lips. “I fucking dare you to try.”

His eyes darkened, and my mouth shut with an audible click. Greyson loved nothing more than a challenge.

I’d learned that the hard way. “You’ve catalogued my scents, right? Then have a good whiff. I loathe you. The sight of you is repulsive. What nearly happened between us in the pastrevoltsme. I find you and your kind vile in every way. I was a stupid girl who didn’t believe what a monster you really were.Whata wake-up call. Get the fuck out and stop trying to ruin what’s left of my life.”

The Luther was carved from stone. Why couldn’t I be like that? Why was my breath shallow and erratic?

Why weremyeyes burning?

Sascha lifted a hand to my face, and I reeled away.

“Touch me and I will do my best to murder you with my bare hands.” Icicles dripped from every word.

Shock coated his handsome features.

Seemed fitting that the worst monsters had the prettiest packaging.

“Hercules was wrong about one thing,” he said low and fast. “When the seven meets are done, you have a choice to decline me as a mate. I’ve scented you already. We’ve met gazes and touched, and my wolf captured you. There are three more meets. Then you’ll be free, and I won’t be driven to obey the meeting call. If you still don’t want me.”

If you still don’t want me.

“You’re incredible. How can I say this so you’ll understand? There is no possible future where I will not hate you. There will never be an us. I will never accept you.”

His eyes glittered. “Then there shouldn’t be a problem seeing it through to the end.”

“I don’t acknowledge rudimentary Luther rituals.” I gathered one of the filled boxes. “Close the door on the way out.”

A small growl built in his chest. “You’re moving to the manor for good.”

I didn’t answer.

The werewolf followed me down the stairs. Opening Ella F, I shoved the box in, glowering when Sascha slid the remaining three inside after.

His honey eyes bore into my face.

The rage I felt toward him was almost shocking in its intensity. I wouldn’t have thought myself capable of so much hate.

He inhaled.

Yeah, have a good sniff. That’s undying fury.

“Would it help if I told you how sorry I was?” he said quietly.

My brows shot up. “You killed someone and you’resorry? Shit, that makes it all better.”

“I wasn’t talking about Hercules Thana. I won’t apologise for his death.”

My face slackened. “You’re truly a monster inside, aren’t you?”