Which meant he’d also be dead.
My eyes drifted closed. “I need to get back. What’s the time?”
“Just past midnight. Your howl woke me. And the pack.Fuck,” he whispered into my hair. “I thought it was a dream. Your howl is the most beautiful sound—I couldn’t believe my ears. You’re a wolf.”
The glee in his voice was unmistakeable.
“This doesn’t change a thing, Sascha. Aside from us moving through the meets now I’ve scented you or whatever.”
He started walking us back through the forest, and I couldn’t summon the energy to care that he was holding me.
“You’re wolf form is exquisite,” Sascha said after a while. “I’ve never seen a red wolf before. You stole my breath away.”
The pleased feeling rising through my chest was foreign.Your crush will never see the light of day,I told her.
Displeasure replaced the pleased feeling, and my arm jerked, fingers squeezing Sascha’s bicep.
My eyes widened.Stop that.
You’re the one that wanted to share both forms,she taunted.
“I didn’t know she was red,” I said in a strangled voice.
“Do you feel anything else around me now you’re a wolf?” He ducked us beneath a low-hanging branch.
We were back at the lake, and he was thankfully not going to mention the small bicep-groping incident.
I stopped fighting my eyelids. “You sound good. And smell good too. It feels good to touch you.”
Understatement of the millennium.
“Thank you.”
“Not a compliment.”
His lips brushed my forehead, and I let him do it. Kind of impossible not to at this point. My body was packing up for the day. Or night. But one thing bothered me. “Thank you for stopping me. Earlier.”
We’d be three orgasms deep by now if he didn’t shove me away. From what I understood, a female Luther’s heat completely took over a male. I couldn’t imagine how much control it took him to separate us.
What if the male wolf didn’t want the female? I’d always looked at this as Sascha using his power and knowledge to take advantage of me. Really, women got the most choice in this. What if Sascha hadn’t always wanted me? He’d be a slave to the heat regardless.
My heart panged.
I fucking hated these meets.
“I’m glad you weren’t forced to do anything you’d later regret and hate me for,” he said mildly.
Blood crept into my cheeks. “I’m glad I didn’t forceyouto do anything you didn’t want to do.”
“There’s no danger of that, beautiful wolf. I assure you.”
Looked like sleep wasn’t happening just yet. I slitted my lids to watch him. The harsh line of his jaw was just visible through the tangled strands of his shoulder-length brown hair. My stomach clenched and I tensed at the surge of need.
That felt way more intense than usual. Almost like the pain I felt in the heat.
Sascha’s nostrils flared and he stopped short, staring at me.
Even I could smell my… want. Lust? Fucking embarrassing was what it was. That his lust rose hard and fast in response only lessened my mortification by a sliver.