I pursed my lips. “Maybe that’s a good idea.”
I stared at the latestIngeniumforecast.
Eighteen days.
That’s how long Clan Sundulus had until Fyrlia triggered the end cascade. They’d purchased two properties in Black yesterday for astronomical prices.
They sensed the kill. They were hunting their enemy—cornering them.
I had to move without delay. Yes, I’d hoped to do this without Sandra being compelled, but I’d also been stalling for personal reasons.
I couldn’t lose these people.
“Basilia? Your thoughts?” Rory broke my reverie.
I jumped and stared around the table. It was Friday and Kyros had returned from King Mikael’s side just after one. The others were here. “On what?”
“On investigating their finances,” he snarled, fangs descending. “They’re throwing ridiculous sums of money into every industry.”
I lifted a shoulder. “So would I if I sensed the kill.”
No one reacted to the statement.
Kyros was quiet.
Whatever Mikael and the Fyrlia royals were doing to him during the Friday get-togethers, it was taking a toll. I knew for a fact he wouldn’t fill me in, but for now, I was just satisfied with his contentedness when we were in close quarters.
And that’s why I had to do this. The thought of him never forgiving me was unbearable, where it never had been before. If I let my lie go any further, that was the risk.
I drew in a breath, settling at his earthy scent.
“What’s the final plan?” I glanced at my phone. The call with King Julius was in five minutes.
Lalitta’s gaze was fixed on the table. Rory looked murderous. Gerome grinned so tightly I thought his lips may snap off. Safina had her arm around Francesca. Neelan was still. Lionel watched everyone else, sadness in his eyes.
Fuck it all.
No amount of research was going to confirm what Sandra’s fate would be. I was talking to business owners. A deal could be negotiated. That was my only option.
She’d emailed this morning asking for more funds and an update. The worry in her short message was clear. Dragging this out wasn’t fair for anyone.
Time to come clean.
Panic pulsed through me.
Clearing my throat, I said, “I’ve found something.”
Kyros was already watching me.
The others didn’t budge.
I took a breath. “Proof of foul play in the Mr Ringly deal.”
A hand was over my mouth.
Neelan cautioned me with his hazel eyes.