“He paid for what he did to you and my grandmother.”

Fresh tears squeezed from her eyes. “Kyros told me about Agatha too. The three of them stressed her heart until it gave out. Fucking sick monsters.”

Sadness over my grandmother didn’t always weigh heavy, but today her words hit me hard. “Yes, they did. So there are two more to kill.”

“They must be pissed about their brother.”

“I’d say so. Especially when one of them pressed the remote button that set off the bomb.”

A cruel smile unfurled across her face, then her vulnerability snapped back into place. “I’m not sure it was always Theodore I spent time with, Basil.”

I stilled.

“I think they took turns,” she whispered.

Letting her go in case I accidentally hurt her, I said, “You’re sure?”

“He’d act strangely sometimes. I thought he was tired or stressed about work. There were moments when he couldn’t recall something we’d discussed the day before.”

I brought her into this world, and she’d been used by three guys.Raped.

“Tom,” I said, my voice breaking. “I am so sorry for bringing you into this. I should have been stronger and kept pushing you away. I’m just so fuckingsorry.”

She cut off my babbling apology. “You said yourself that Theodore approached me before you knew about vampires. Your position in the tower—the mating thing with Kyros—drove him to hurt me in that specific way, perhaps. But he—they—were always going to use and hurt me in some way. You had nothing to do with how they treated me, apart from being my friend. And that’s not a burden you’re allowed to take on.”

Being the poor friend of a rich woman had consequences that Tommy occasionally struggled with, but it never should have led to this. But maybe I shouldn’t blame myself entirely for the actions of a supernatural race I hadn’t known existed until recently.

I rubbed my nose. “I hate when you’re logical. Let me feel like shit.”

“Whatever. That’s a cop-out.Youjust had three days of sex that turned you into superwoman.I’mmiserable. Your mission is to pretend the shit out of happiness, so I can continue to wallow.”

I snorted. “Pretend the shit out of happiness. What have you been watching?”

“Truth Ranges.I wouldn’t need to explain that quote to you if you were a real fan.”

“Take that back.”

“Nope,” she declared.

Standing, Tommy held out her hand. “Come on. Let Fred cover estate jobs today. You’re mine until midnight.”

I slapped my hand into hers, and she reeled away, clutching it.

“Fucker!” she hissed.

Shooting to my feet, my eyes and ears weren’t ready for my new speed. I sprawled across the low table, whacking my hands down as I tumbled over it and landed on the carpet.

I groaned, rolling onto my back to glare at Tommy.

Her shoulders shook as she nursed her hand. “Don’t glare at me, I didn’t make you do that. But I’m so glad you did.”

She tipped back her head and laughed, tears streaming over her cheeks.

Scowling, I clambered to my feet, dusting myself off. Apparently I needed to practice using my senses with the new additions to my body.

“Change of plan,” Tommy announced, taking my hand. “Let’s go to the nut orchard and figure out how to manage your superpowers.”

Babypowers, more like it.