He cast me a strange look. “I have more power than I can always control, Basilia. The thought of holding more inside terrifies me daily. Our blood sings for a reason, and that’s because you are powerful in other ways; ways that won’t cause me to—”
“—wreak havoc on the world?” I finished softly.
More than my conversations with them, I’d started to pay more attention to the differences between Kyros and his siblings, and the way the clan minions treated him in comparison. The difference wasn’t that Kyros was the crown prince or slightly more powerful—which was the assumption I’d made long ago. It was because he would bethemost powerful vampire in existence one day.
“You kept your potential destiny awful quiet, fang man,” I whispered.
His gaze darkened. “Who have you been talking to?”
Gina. Laurel.
“It doesn’t matter. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were scared enough.”
I sighed. “I could share that fate, Kyros. Will you always decide how much you think I should know because you’re worried I can’t handle it?”
“If you let me.”
That deserved a massive eye-roll, and I gave it to him.
Kyros tugged my arm, and I toppled onto his lap with the grace of an ice-skating donkey but managed to keep a hold on my towel.
Hearrangedme so I sat across his lap.
Kyros trailed a finger over the top of the largest scratch, and I hissed at the sting.
A shadow crossed his eyes.
“I like it when you call me Ky,” he interrupted. “Even if you only called me that because ecstasy robbed you of two-syllable words.Ky—”
I couldn’t recall saying that, but I had no doubt my mind was otherwise occupied at the time. My lips twitched. “Is that what’s happening?”
I’ll give you that one.
I hesitated, deciding to voice something that had weighed on my mind since after the attack. “You’ve said a couple of times that you’ve compelled people in the past. Who are they?”
His lips curved. “Jealousy.”
Something I hoped to never feel. “It seems that way.”
Kyros wrapped his arms around me, bringing his lips against my ear. “You’re jealous, but not murderously so. If you shared blood with another, I’d kill them without second thought. I’m not sure I could stop myself.”
I shivered, knowing he spoke the cold truth.
“I’ve shared blood with other humans and one vampire in the past,” he said. “One exchange with each of them, simply to control them. They’re dead now.”
Thank fuck for that.
“They were all male.”
I blew out a breath. “Okay. Thanks. I guess the thought bothered me.”
“It’s a weak male who prefers a jealous woman. Though with everything you’re doing to push me away, I can’t deny your possessiveness soothes my ego.”