I winced as she erupted into a stream of cursing and wandered to face a bookshelf against one wall of the large lounge area.

She paused for breath, and I slipped in. “I’m with Kyros in the Bahamas, Tom. And we’ve been… busy.”

Consider me non-plussed—because I could lie through my teeth to anyone else—but lying to Tommy wasn’t in my skillset. I really, really wished it was.

“Sex?” she snarled. “Really? I’ve had to put up with texts because you’re bouncing on the D?”

I bit back on a groan, my cheeks burning.

Francesca snorted.

Reaching up, I rested my hand against the spines of a few books. “I’m sorry I haven’t called. I’ve been worried sick. Fred has sent me updates, but are you okay?”

“Not worried enough to come home?” she said quietly.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but I had faith in my friend’s intelligence. She knew whatI’m with Kyrosmeant even if the sadness and anger in her voice was real. “I love you, Tom.”

Her gulping sob nearly tore an answering one from my lips. “I miss you, Basil. I really need you right now. Theo’s gone missing. I woke up in hospital and no one has seen or heard from him. I don’t know what to do.”

It was like a sledgehammer slammed into the middle of my chest.

I covered my mouth with a trembling hand, robbed of speech. Kyros’s anger cut through my shock, and I dug the heel of my palm against my ear until the pain shoved away the urge to cry.

“Theodore’s missing?” I rasped, slightly too late. “Why didn’t you tell me? You think the people who drugged you took him?”

Her voice shook. “I’ve called the restaurant to ask what they remember. They said we were there until after dinner and then disappeared. Their cruise boat doesn’t have any cameras onboard. His phone is dead or something. He won’t answer my calls. I filed a missing person’s report with the police five days ago, but they haven’t found anything.”

I listened to her frantic babbling, wondering if I’d ever felt less human.

“Tom, slow down.”

She choked. “Ilovehim, Basi.”

Tears thickened my voice, and my vision of the books blurred. “I know you do, girl.”

“I can’t sleep. I can’t think. What if he’s injured or worse? I need to know. Basil, I swore I’d never ask you to use your influence and money on my behalf,” she whispered. “But I don’t know what else to do. I need your help.”

My face was slick with tears. “Of course. You have it.”

This is what I’d hoped to avoid. Back at the estate and away from prying ears, I could have told Tommy the truth, especially now King Mikael had given me the key around the compulsion. The presence of Kyros and his family was backing me into a lie Tommy would never forgive me for, even if I came clean as soon as possible.

Theodore was dead and cold.In pieces.I hated giving her false hope. I wanted her to know what that bastard did. He didn’t deserve her grief. Not one bit of it.

“The circumstances were dodgy with your drink being messed with,” I said after wiping my face. “I have to play devil’s advocate, Tom. Is it possible Theodore did that to you and ran after?”

Her silence was awful. Worse than her tears.

“Or,” I added, “is it possible he got cold feet with your relationship and doesn’t want to be found? Maybe when you were roofied, you guys had an argument? Anything could have happened.”

“No,” she whispered. “Stop saying those things.”

“I just… What if he’s okay?”

“Then I need proof of that. One way or another. I can’t move on without the truth.”

My heart was made of glass, and her words shattered it. “Please tell Fred to grant you whatever help he can. When I’m back, we’ll get through this together.”And I’ll break your heart.

“You’ll be back soon?” she croaked.