Deana was the woman who introduced me to vampires when she sank her teeth into her boyfriend.

“She’s not here today.” Laurel continued. “I keep the newest of our kind in the tower and away from the estate. Their loyalty must be proven first. However, you’re part of the inner circle on Level 66 now. You can use that as a cover. With some caution, she’ll be one of the best to quiz on the complexities of the game. She’s the only one of us to have worked inIngenium.”

Talking to her would be a risk, but nothing on the risks I’d taken to get here. “I need a copy of that book regardless.” I hesitated before adding, “Are there books on the rules of Vissimo and mating?”

“Publications are held in high esteem in our world,” the vampire replied, blue eyes scanning passing cars. “You know every clan is dedicated to a cause. They tend to write these things down and disperse the copies to various clans to show what they’ve achieved. But I warn you, they’re generally long-winded and complex. That’s why I didn’t bring them up. Incorrect interpretation is dangerous.” Her eyes glimmered.

Maybe. I was sick of relying on what others told me or didn’t tell me. “I’ll take them all the same. I’ll double-check details before acting.”

The tension left her shoulders. “Then I’ll see that copies find you.”

“Thank you,” I said, blowing out a breath. “The fifth exchange is set for next Sunday.”

She met my gaze. “I see. How does that tie in with the current state ofIngenium?”

Not good. No point having completed six exchanges to buy myself an army if the game was fucking over. “I’m another step toward keeping a promise,” I answered, letting my head thump back against the headrest.

Laurel leaned back, surveying me. “What happens to you?”

“Nothing like a bit of uncertainty in life.” I cracked a smile.

My phone rang. I checked in on Kyros mentally before checking the name. He was focusing.

I checked the name.Yep.


“Basilia. Are you on your way back?”

He knew I was. “Missed me, did you?”

“Today wasn’t an easy day. You’re an hour away—”

“Does my GPS signal give you an ETA and take traffic conditions into account?” I frowned as a flutter of exasperation tickled my senses. “Did you just roll your eyes?”


Ha.“I felt it. Who knew eye-rolling had an emotion? Hey! You did it again.”

His amusement was a trophy I wanted to keep winning.

“If you listen for three seconds strung together…”

I kept quiet and then deliberately rolled my eyes.

The vampire growled. “Woman.”

“Man.” I grinned. “Spit it out.”

“Dinner,” he said. “At my Lyall Bay property. Maybe one of us can cook.”

I burst out laughing. “Kyros, really? Do you know how to cook?”

He was silent for a beat. “No. Do you?”

“I’ll let you think about that one.”

He snorted. “I’ll pick up something. See you there in an hour.”