“Kyros won’t let you leave?” Safina asked, rounding the charcoal sofa.
The devil himself strode into the kitchen at that moment, wearing nothing but his sweatpants again. I forced back the surge of lust that told me jumping him was probably the best way to live my life for the end of time.
Damned loins.
Kyros threw back the lid of a pizza box. “He won’t, no.” The vampire even managed to sound cool and collected about it. Kyros didn’t look my way. He didn’t make any comment about Lionel’s arm around my shoulders.
The siblings exchanged long looks.
Neelan opened his mouth, and Kyros’s menacing rumble filled the room. I couldn’t blame Neelan for shutting his gob.
“Shewill be leaving once he stops sulking,” I replied in the same even tone.
His fury nearly left me gasping, but I was sick of this.
I’d tiptoed around his bullshit when I should have pushed him to breaking point from the get-go. At least when he was furious, he actually spoke to me. I wasn’t leaving because I was bored out of my mind or because his behaviour was tearing at my insides. Not really. There were things that I couldn’t do outside of my grandmother’s office. I hadn’t contacted my Churchill team for a fortnight. I needed to see Tommy with my own eyes.
“You know the repercussions,” he replied. Not even his siblings were fooled by his breezy tone.
“More death?” I shot back. “Because there hasn’t been nearly enough of that.”
He lowered the slice of pizza in his hand. “No, there hasn’t.” His green eyes blazed.
“Kyros,” Dierdre said, her gaze lowered. “Father has ordered that Trenit and Tynan are off limits. You know what the consequences for killing them would be.”
She darted her eyes to me.
Wait, wait, wait.I’d die?Fuck me.Sure, why not? That made total sense.
“Father and Mother are here,” Francesca announced, zooming to lay a kiss on Kyros’s cheek. “I love you, brother.”
“I love you, too, Frannie.” His gaze softened though his jaw didn’t unclench. Kind of like his ass cheeks.
The king and queen were coming for the pizza party. That was my cue.
I scrambled to my feet. “Time for my daily nap. Kyros is such a chatterbox today. I’m worn out.”
His eyes narrowed.
“One thing,” Gerome called.
Ugh, nearly made it to the hall.
“It can wait,” I replied, high-tailing it out of there.
He zipped in front of me and threw me over his shoulder, carting me back to the lounge. Unfortunately heightened senses didn’t mean heightened reaction time or strength. It just meant I could see and hear it was coming.
The world had a great sense of humour.
His shoulder pressed on my stomach bruises, but I gritted my teeth until he set me down between Rory and Neelan on the window seat.
“I’m calling in the favour you owe me,” he stated.
I stared. “What in the ever-loving hell are you talking about?”
He grinned. “I gave you the name of the nightclub owner so you could buy the lease. You promised me a proportional favour with no nudity involved.”
Groaning, I rubbed my face. “I remember. What is it?”