His lust surged, and mine answered, pushing his higher. We were like a positive feedback system; with each rebound, the heat catapulted higher.

“I’m heading out to Frankton Gorge for the afternoon, and I wanted to tell you. Because you’d know.”

A growl slipped down the line. “That’s the only reason you’re telling me?”

Well… “Yes.”

He sighed. “Of course it is. Why are you going to Frankton Gorge?”

“Don’t mistake this for asking your permission, Kyros. This is a courtesy call only. I’ll take two cars of Vissimo.”

“Take four.” He cut me off.

Ugh. “I’d prefer the residents of Frankton Gorge not to mistake me for the Madame President.”

Contemplation wound through the vampire. My ears picked up the squeak of leather as he leaned back in an office chair. “Then I’ll come.”

That was a big fat no. “You’re so frustrating.”

“Believe me, I’m nothing on you,” he said, anger splicing between us. “Twenty Vissimo. No less. Or I’ll follow, and you won’t like the consequences.”

“Chill out,Dad,” I said, hanging up.

Consequences,my butthole.

I paced the office, hands curled into fists. Kyros wasn’t allowed to dictate how and when I went places! Who the fuck did he think he was talking to?

Plus, Sundulus placed tails on Trenit and Tynan Tonyi after I killed their brother. Kyros knew where they were at all times.

He was just being a possessive control freak.

I blew out a breath.

Except, maybe he wasn’t.

He’ll rule us. Or he’ll destroy us.

“Stupid male,” I informed the room.

Striding to the door, I beelined for the patio doors that Laurel tended to guard.

She didn’t turn. “Frankton Gorge?”

“Yes, could you get a team ready, please?”

“How many?”

I ground my teeth, increasing the number he gave me. “Twenty-five.”

Her expression smoothed, and I pivoted on my heel, striding for the lobby. If taking that many would shut Kyros up, then whatever. No skin off my back. There were more important things to focus on—like climbing out of the six-foot grave I’d dug myself.

I’d take twenty-five Vissimo with me, and hopefully by the end of the day, I’d be in a position to confess everything to the Sundulus royals.

There was still time.

Sandra Hoyt, I’m coming for you.

* * *