I sent back a puppy GIF.

On second thought, that drink sounded really great.

I teetered around the bar on my stilettos. “Maybe I’ll just have one drink. I’m rich enough to drink strawberry mojitos again after all.” I stared at the Bacardi. “Shit, what other stuff goes in a mojito?”

Josie appeared to my left. “I used to bartend at clan functions. Got strawberries?” She didn’t wait for me to answer, opening the cupboards and drawers in a blur. “No strawberries, but I found passionfruit. Passionfruit mojito?”

I sighed dramatically. “Fine. But I’m texting the manager to get some damn strawberries for next week.”

Some people have no idea.

Vladymir and his testosterone were gone when I returned to my seat, passionfruit mojito in hand. “I’m surprised that guy doesn’t impregnate women and men just by standing within a five-metre radius. Can’t believe you haven’t tapped that. Let him pillage you, for god’s sake.”

Laurel’s lips trembled. “He heard you.”

I regretted nothing.

My phone buzzed again.

Tell me. You’re turned on

Blood heated my cheeks.Ugh, awkward much? I couldn’t help it. Waking up next to Kyros each day was hell on my libido. With our laughable control around each other, we had to be so careful of toeing the line.

If I was a rabbit, the world was dangling a carrot just out of reach. Except that carrot was the best sex of my life.

Thinking about naked you…


Probably shouldn’t have done that.

“I have dabbled with the idea for a few decades, but sexual compatibility is the most important factor in our relationships,” Laurel was saying.

“Try before you buy,” I told her sagely.

She shook her head, smiling. “Is that offTruth Ranges?”

“What? No. That’s advice my grandmother gave me on my eighteenth birthday.”

Laurel threw back her head and laughed.

I slurped on my drink and my eyes widened. “What in the name of the mighty cocktail gods isthis?” Where was Josie? Probably didn’t matter. “Josie, this is amazing!”

A thumbs up appeared from the midst of the writhing bodies.

“I may be a convert,” I said in awe.

My phone buzzed, and I choked on my next sip, staring at the GIF from Kyros. A fucking carrot dangling in front of a rabbit.

That was… disturbing on a whole new level. He couldn’t read my mind, so it was just a freaky coincidence.

A really freaky coincidence.

“Thank you for giving this to them,” Laurel said, twisting on her stool.

Shaking off his message, I did the same, watching as Kelsea grabbed the waistband of a vampire who would have looked at home playing the drums for Queen.

If things went to plan, the Indebted could expect more experiences like this. Cruises, private island parties, gambling nights, musicals, and outside cinemas. My life was falling to pieces around me, but their lives had been chaos for decades and centuries. I’d give them as many first experiences—or happy memories—as I could.