I was a shit juggler.
Blowing out a breath, I walked to the house, aka my prison. The cabin fever was real. Kyros had cooled off from our talk three days ago though, so when he woke, I’d open the estate talk again.
I had to.
I’d ignored Tommy’s calls for the last week, texting her that I was with Kyros and couldn’t talk. She’d read between the lines, but I needed to see her with every fibre of my being. And I had so many freakin’ apologies to make—to the Indebted—that I didn’t know where to start.
I shat on a lot of friendships to save my most important one.
“Kyros! Wake up. We brought pizza.”
I wrenched to a halt, my eyes lifting to the house. His siblings were here. At least one. And generally they—
“Why are you still asleep?”another asked.
—moved in a pack.
Shit.Just what I needed.
Their brother wasn’t asleep, but maybe our talk could wait until tomorrow. It was my turn to avoidhim—and his family who would soon be dead unless I could undo the damage I’d caused, andfast.
How long until they figured out the truth?
Maybe Fyrlia would tell them before that happened. King Mikael couldn’t wait to turn Kyros against me.
I managed a single step toward the hidden garden I found two days ago.
A wincing glance confirmed Lalitta was waving at me from where she stood in the bay windows of the open kitchen-dining area.
Fuck my life.
“Oh, hey,” I said weakly, wobbling as I pivoted back to my initial route.
Neelan appeared next to his sister. Then Gerome and Dierdre.
I picked up Safina’s dry voice and Francesca’s higher whine.
“Darling,” Rory purred as soon as I walked through the patio door.
I grunted in reply, throwing myself on the couch next to Lionel—by far my top pick for most empathetic sibling. Lalitta was the sweetest person I’d ever met, but she didn’t pick up on low moods and her chatter always remained at high.
Lionel wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “What’s happening, babe?”
Shrugging, I mumbled, “Nothing much.”
“I don’t buy that for a second.” His voice was low though everyone could hear.
Maybe I shouldn’t have chosen Lionel to sit next to. He’d make me cry.
I cleared my throat, blinking rapidly. “Your brother hates me. But also won’t let me leave this house. I nearly died seventeen days ago while killing the man my best friend loves.”
Silence reigned.
Gerome whistled low.
“Yep.” I let my head thump back.