Kyros in my bed.
Kyros on the estate.
I blew out a breath as quietly as possible.
Okay,we’d agreed on him sleeping here. Well. I’d agreed so I could get off his territory.
When Fyrlia rolled, he would stay at the estate.
When Sundulus rolled, I’d sleep at the tower.
What he hadn’t agreed to was my fingers around his junk. Dying inwardly, I eased my hand away, wincing as his hips jerked at my touch.
I tucked Kyros Jr safely beneath the waistband of his black sweats and eased back down.
I stole a peek at the vampire.
“You can leave it there if you want,” he murmured, eyes closed.
“You!How long have you been awake for?” Slapping his chest, I climbed to my knees.
His lips curled.
Laughter choked in my throat as his amusement soared. I toppled back to the bed beside him, laughing my ass off.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” I choked out, staring up at the canopy as my body shook. “I was asleep.”
Mortifying much?
He rolled to face me, eyes still closed. He draped an arm over my hip. “I arrived at 4:30 a.m., climbed into your bed, and fended you off twice before I fell asleep. You’re persistent.”
Heat flooded my cheeks. “Oops.”
How long did I hold his penis for?That seemed the most pertinent question.
“Not a complaint. I kissed you when I arrived. We’re even.”
Were we though? They seemed to be on different levels.
I cleared my throat. “I really hope I don’t do that again.”
I’d spendeverynight with Kyros for the foreseeable future, and my body had a secret agenda. When I agreed to his terms after driving off the damn cliff, it didn’t seem like such a big deal. That was before sleep Basi took matters into her own hands.
“Time?” he muttered, toffee strands splayed over his cheek.
I needed an air conditioning unit installed in my uterus. Rolling over, I tapped my phone, squinting. “Eleven.”
Knowing Kyros would be here every second day, I’d rearranged my schedule to work from midday until eight at night. Really, it made sense to sleep in one chunk instead of breaking it into two shifts so I could work normal hours.
My stomach gurgled. “Breakfast time for me.”
He rubbed his face. “Us.”
I shot him a look, dragging my eyes over his biceps. “You sleep until one. I can just—”