Kyros never eliminated that term from my repertoire. Kind of hard to if he wanted me to secure properties.
“You’re working there?” Treena said. “We thought you were trapped. That’s why Rory Senrite was on such familiar terms with you at the NJB function.”
Uhm, kind of.
“I don’t just secure houses.”Hmm, how best to tell them I worked on Level 66 with the royals?
Hothen stiffened. “What hours do you work?”
Dithis moved to place a clock before me. My grandmother had fondly referred to the man asPiebecause he had his fingers in so many. There wasn’t any Bluff City industry that Mr Dithis’s wealth didn’t touch.
I was able to answer that without help. “Midnight until 3:30 a.m. Weekdays.”
“You’re there for the…” He trailed off, eyes lighting up.
The roll? Yes.
My shoulders sagged. It was such a fucking relief to get some of this out, no matter how frustrating the process. Once they knew my situation, and I knew theirs, things would move faster. But to have their support—even their knowledge of what being compelled felt like—it meanteverythingto me right now.
“Wait. You’re inthe place after it too.” Mrs Syrre gasped.
The six sets of eyes that unofficially ruled Bluff City alongside my family estate watched me.
“Yes,” I answered, then thought of Queen Elizabeth. “Royals.”
Dame Burke swore long and hard. “You’re in on the strategy meetings with the royal siblings.”
She exchanged a shocked look with Lady Treena.
Six identical smirks spread across their faces.
My lips curled too.
“There’s a problem,” I told them. “A big problem. One that could end the…”Game.“Battle. Not on my terms. Soon.”
“One of the groups is going to win?” Mr Hothen asked, straightening. “They’ve been locked evenly for so long.”
Yeah,I’d get to that part eventually. As much as I wanted to hide it,thesewere the people who could help me restore the clans to an even match. As soon as that happened, my guilt would be assuaged and I could continue playingIngeniumin relative peace.
The details would be tortuous to convey, but it was torture I longed for. Because then I wouldn’t feel so damn alone anymore.
I dragged an alphabet board toward me and fixed the rake-thin woman on my left with a grim smile. “I’ll need your help first, Lady Treena.”
I had one idea to pursue at this point.
Mr Ringly had lodged a development application for rezoning agriculture land to residential. There had to be some way to stall the project until I could sort things out. I needed to comb his application with a fine-tooth comb.
My grandmother’s best friend raised her champagne glass. Tipping the chute back, she didn’t drink a single drop. “Naturally, Basi dear.”
* * *
I woke more comfortable than I’d been in my life. A perfect warmth suffused me. Heaviness filled my limbs. A massive erection rested in my hand.
I froze.
What. The. Fuck!
Nearly giving myself whiplash, I twisted to discover Kyros behind me.