He hadn’t touched me in weeks, and as his words floated away, we both gasped at the electrical contact.
The current underneath my skin exploded.
I panted for air, wiping water from my eyes to better see him. Call it adrenaline, call it the blood bond, or call it something else entirely—throwing myself at Kyros, I looped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his.
His moan was immediate.
Saltwater seasoned our kiss as our tongues moved together, our union working both of us to a frenzy. I burned with the need to draw him closer, to tie him to me by whatever means possible.
To never exist as separate from him again.
I bobbed under the surface without warning. Surfacing, I coughed for air.
Kyros joined me above water a second later, glancing around in confusion.
“Did you just forget we were in the ocean and you had to swim?” I asked, breathing hard as I treaded water.
His lips twitched as the dreamy haze left his eyes. “You have that effect on me, vixen.”
My bottom lip must have trembled because as Kyros drew me against him once more, he stroked it with his thumb.
“I’m sorry, my beauty,” he said over the crashing of the waves.
A handful of words made me realise just how much his distance had hurt. “I missed you. Are you back for good?”
His reply was dry as he turned around. “You proved your point. Destroying my favourite car in the process.”
“That was collateral for your little move with the keys yesterday.”
“Fair enough. Hold onto my neck.”
As soon as I did, Kyros swam for the cliff face.
“But?” I asked him.
“Butyou are not Vissimo. And I am not human. I need to figure out how I fit as your mate, seeing as you won’t accept me acting like a caveman who didn’t spear a pig for dinner.”
His amusement embraced me and if it was a tangible thing, I would have hugged it and never let go. Kyros was happy, and I just felt soright. So centred and sure.
“No, I won’t,” I mumbled. “I promise to figure out the same. For y—” I grimaced as we reached the bottom of the cliffs.
“What?” He tried to glance back.
We were exchanging wedding vows. What the hell was wrong with me? I’d forgotten everything.
I shook my head. “Uhm, nothing. Just grossly unprepared for the emotional content of this conversation.”
That didn’t amuse him one bit.
“You drove a car off a cliff, and this conversation worries you?”
Make that a big fat yes with a side of fries. Not answering, I linked my legs around his waist and adjusted my grip.
Kyros started up the one-hundred-metre drop, and I didn’t give it more than a passing thought. I reallydidtrust him to protect me. As it turned out, knowing that and proving it to myself were different things.
Why did I have the feeling I’d just crossed a line that I couldn’t erase?