It was a gasp, not a complaint.
His lips curved and he kissed my nose.
Once out of the car, I wriggled until he put me down. I was already in the fucking rabbit onesie. Only using my legs to walk could redeem me.
Grabbing his hand, I tugged Kyros down the hall, listening to his silent laughter. Why this was funny, I had no idea.
The voices ahead of us trailed off.
I drew back, eyeing him.
Are you laughing because of the rabbit onesie?I asked.
He grinned.Just feeling grateful that we’re here in this moment, true mate.
The truth. And a thought I could appreciate the weight of.
We entered the open-plan living space hand in hand.
There wasn’t a single second of awkwardness before Gerome swept me into his arms. My hand was torn from Kyros’s as his brother spun me in a blurring circle.
I was too tired for spinning.
Tapping his shoulder, I groaned. “Enough.”
The tall, dark, and handsome vampire set me down immediately.
Kyros’s growl swelled, telling me hemighthave caught my mental description of his brother.
I was passed into the arms of my first crush next.
Rory beamed down at me for a split second before Kyros ripped me away.
Crap,those thoughts were going to get me in trouble.
“Damn right they will,” he said, brows drawing together.
Kyros clamped me against his body, and I waved lamely at the other siblings. I’d wondered if the betrayal would still be held against me, but I couldn’t see a shred of bitterness or blame on their perfect faces.
Still,Ingeniumended yesterday. Who knew what feelings could arise in time? I really hoped there were no hard feelings.
Kyros pressed his forehead to the back of my head.They don’t. They wouldn’t dare after what you did for us.
I just undid the damage I’d caused.
You gave up everything you owned in Bluff City to help us, including your family’s home. You entered the lion’s den with no idea whether what you had would be enough. You did it for the love of your grandmother and love of me.
I’m glad you see it that way.
We all do,he replied.Including my mother and father.
The king and queen sat on the window seat, holding hands. It weirded me out when they did normal human stuff. Be a tyrannical ruler or not, but pick a damn side.
Kyros snorted.Why would he when he knows the uncertainty unsettles you?
The king pulled that shit on purpose?